Chapter 15: The Visitor at Camp Threatens us

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Theo and Lewis are talking about ponies. The ones with white manes in the stables specifically. They think they're funny looking. I can't say I've been to the stables at all yet so seeing the funny looking, white maned ponies is not something I get to check off my camp bingo card.  

Wandering around with these two has been surprisingly more entertaining than I thought it would be. I was bored after cleaning up my cabin and the boys were already going on a walk so I decided to tag along. 

Just as we pass the office I see someone unfamiliar, and the twins see him too. A tall guy with black hair going gray, probably somewhere in his late fifties or early sixties. None of the counselors are that old. 

Family don't come to visit unless it's an emergency. 

We come to a stop as he hugs Ms. Iris and they start walking into the office. I don't think he's a camper's grandpa. 

"Come on you two, let's go find the others," I say, leading the twins away while my eyes still trail behind us at the office. 

We find Reed with Noah and Gwinny first, coming out of Reed's cabin. "Good morning guys!" Gwinny smiles. 

I try to smile back but my mind is too preoccupied with that sudden visitor. Noah gives me a weird look, "What's up with you? Usually when someone smiles at you, you return one just fine."

"What?" I ask. "Are you saying there was something wrong with my smile?"

"Hate to break it to you Boat girl, but that was obviously a forced smile," Noah says.

"Did something happen?" Reed asks. 

"There was some visitor guy at the office. He was pretty old and I've never seen him around camp before. But he hugged Ms. Iris so they must know each other," Lewis shrugs. 

"He kinda gave me weird vibes," I add quietly. 

Suddenly the bell dings over the camp loud speakers, signaling for a whole camp meeting. Great, now we have to sit through that. Nothing against the other campers, but I don't like sitting on those uncomfy benches squished between two people while having to listen to the camp directors rattle on about something. 

It tends to be boring. 

But as soon as I see the visitor standing next to Mr. Billie and Ms. Iris, I know today will be different. And not in a good way. 

I find a seat as quickly as possible, trying to blend in with the other campers. I get separated from the others in the crowd, that means I get stuck between two random campers I don't know. Fun.

"Good morning Campers!" Mr. Billie yells through a megaphone. "Today we have a special visitor we'd like you all to meet." Oh great he called him special. That can't be a good sign. 

"Not all of you may know this but this camp has been passed down through our family for generations, and before we were the camp directors, it was our father before us. That's just the man we have here today!" says Ms. Iris.

She hands a megaphone to the visitor and he smiles at her. "Thank you dear, and thank you all for coming to our camp. My name is Bruce Alcott and I was the camp director here for thirty years before my kids took over ten years ago."

"Anyways campers, he'll be staying with us for a while and he might even join in on your activities so make sure everyone is being respectful and showing your utmost kindness! You're all dismissed! And don't forget to put on sunscreen!" Mr. Billie says.

Great. Just great. 

As the crowd disperses I try to find Calder but end up crashing into someone instead and almost land on my butt. Whoever it is catches me though. I look up to see Roman. Of course it's Roman. Who the hell else would try to catch me.

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