Carried home

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Harry isn't sure what he's expecting to find, but he does as Louis has asked and drives to the address. He's sort of assuming that Louis is drunk again and wants to cry all over him. Harry isn't entirely sure why he even agreed to come. Maybe because Louis sounded so broken over the phone? 

Actually, that's a lie. Harry knows exactly why he's here. Deep inside, he knows that even if Louis asked him to go to the moon to come and find him, he'd do it. In a heartbeat. 

The sun is setting and it's starting to get dark when Harry finally gets to the address. It's a decent house, looks pretty wealthy but uninteresting. Harry walks up the stairs to the front door and he finds it unlocked. 

It's dark inside. 

"Louis?" Harry calls softly. He doesn't get a reply. He locates a light switch next to the door and flicks it on. 

Harry can barely breathe when he sees what's in front of him. Louis is lying curled on the floor, covered in blood and bruises, completely motionless. 

Harry goes over to him, gently checks to see if he's breathing. He tries not to panic. Tells himself he needs to keep his senses about him. 

"Louis?" he tries again. "Louis, can you hear me? It's Harry."

At the mention of Harry's name, Louis stirs a little bit. He's not completely blacked out then, Harry tells himself, which is reassuring. 

"I'm getting you out of here," Harry tells him. Louis doesn't move, but Harry doesn't wait for a reply. He gently slips his arms around the smaller boy and picks him up, making sure that his head is supported. When Harry carries him outside, he holds Louis close. He hasn't done this in years, yet it feels exactly the same as it used to. 

It's not the same though. Nothing is the same, least of all the bloody and bruised boy in his arms and Harry isn't entirely sure what to do.

Harry bundles Louis into the backseat of his car and tries to make sure he's comfortable. He drives them both home slowly, taking care to be extra gentle on the speedbumps. 


By the time they get home, it's late. Harry carries Louis inside and lays him down on the sofa. Then he calls a doctor and tells him to get here as quickly as he can. While he waits, he goes into the kitchen and makes two mugs of tea. One for himself, and one for Louis. He tries not to question the fact that he can still remember exactly how Louis likes his.

When the doctor arrives, Harry lets him in and shows him to Louis.

"I don't know what happened to him. I just found him like this, on the floor after he called me and asked me to pick him up. I think he's been beaten up or something," Harry tries to explain. He sits down in an armchair, watching over as the doctor examines Louis. 

"Could you help me get his shirt off?" the doctor asks. Harry obliges and he wants to cry when he sees the purple bruises covering Louis' beautiful torso. The doctor looks over him for a few more minutes and then looks up.

"Would you mind telling me what your relation to him is?" the doctor asks finally. 

"Umm, I suppose he's my friend now. He used to be my boyfriend and I love him more than anything," Harry replies. He doesn't know why he's oversharing to the doctor but he's kind and Harry needs someone to talk to right now. Suddenly it's all a bit too much and the tears start flowing down his face. 

"Hey, hey. Don't worry. He's going to be fine. There's a lot of bruising but no serious injuries as far as I can see," the doctor explains. Harry nods tearfully.

"Would you mind him staying here for a night or so?" the doctor asks. "It's better not to move him around too much."

"Of course," Harry agrees. "Do I need to take him to hospital tomorrow or anything?"

"We could do a scan if you want, just to be on the safe side. Check for any internal bleeding. But that can be done tomorrow. For the moment he just needs rest," the doctor replies. "However... I mean, you can talk to him tomorrow about what happened, but I suspect domestic violence. In which case... I mean, it's a very serious offence."

Harry nods, pays the doctor, and then it's just him and Louis again. 

Harry doesn't want to move him again, so he brings some blankets downstairs and tucks Louis in. Then he curls up in the armchair next to him and tries to go to sleep, listening to the sound of Louis' breathing. 

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