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Harry doesn't push Louis anymore about the whole dating thing. He hopes with all his heart that one day, Louis will be strong enough to give the relationship another go, but for now Harry is just happy to have his best friend back. 

However, Harry can't help but notice that Louis seems to want something more at times.

"Harry?" Louis asks one day, walking into the kitchen where Harry is cooking breakfast, shirtless. 

"Hmmm?" Harry replies, pulling his pyjama bottoms a little higher on his hips. Louis smiles to himself, enjoying the view for a bit, before he remembers what he wanted to do. 

"Harry," Louis says again, fixing his eyes on the floor. Harry senses that something is up so he turns off the stove and walks over, perching on the edge of the countertop. 

"I, I--" Louis stutters, unsure of where to begin. "Never mind actually, it's nothing," he mutters and turns to walk out of the room, the pyjama bottoms he's wearing (Harry's, of course) dragging on the ground behind him.


Louis tries again at lunch, determined this time to say something. 

"Harry I really like you," he blurts out in the middle of lunch, his face turning bright red the second he say it. 

"Aww, Lou," Harry replies, a tiny smile playing at the corner of his mouth. "I like you too."

Louis pouts and frowns. 

"That not the reaction you wanted?" Harry asked. Louis shakes his head.

"Wanted you to declare your undying love for me," Louis sulks.

"Again?" Harry asks. "I thought you wanted us to be friends."

Louis rolls his eyes, flaunting the attitude that he's steadily been regaining. 

"Well, I'm trying to change that. Someone isn't cooperating," he says, raising his eyebrows accusingly at Harry. 

Harry laughs a little, trying to keep a cool face, but in his chest his heart flutters hopefully.

"Ok, ok," he laughs, before looking Louis in the eyes. "I will love you as long as I exist. And even after that, my soul will love you until the end of time. You're everything, Louis. Everything." 

Louis smiles happily before putting on a serious face. 

"You know, Harry. I didn't mean it. All those years ago, when I said I didn't love you," Louis whispers. He stares into his lap. "When I called you childish and all those other things. I was horrible to you."

Harry nods slowly. 

"I just thought I was holding you back from being something great. You're special, Harry, and you're talented and... you're just so remarkable. You're perfect. I don't ever want to hold you down," Louis explains seriously. "Even now I..." he lets out a heavy sigh. "I don't know. I really just don't know. My heart is saying to just go to you and let you love me, but my head keeps saying that you did so well by yourself... you became so successful...and now I'm just gonna go fuck it up for you." Louis buries his face in his hands. "I don't know what to do."

Harry reaches across the table and lightly brushes Louis' arm with his finger. 

"I don't want to push you, Lou... but I'm not gonna stop loving you even if you want me to," Harry says quietly. "And maybe I have been successful on my own, if you want to define success as fame and money, but you know the thing I'm most proud of? My biggest success, if you will?" Harry asks.

"What?" Louis whispers, his mouth suddenly really dry. Harry smiles, his dimples flashing.

"Getting to call you mine."

Suddenly everything makes sense to Louis, and he gets up in a trance and walks around to the other side of the table before flopping in Harry's lap and nestling into his chest.

"I've been so stupid," Louis mumbles. "So, so stupid. And I've wasted so much time."

Harry kisses the crown of Louis' head gently, his heart swelling. 

"Let's not waste any more," he whispers, and Louis hums his agreement. 

"I'm never letting go of you again," Louis says. "I promise." He links together his and Harry's pinky fingers for emphasis, before smiling up through his eyelashes. "I love you."

Harry gently takes Louis' face in his hands and softly connects their lips. It's a little unsure at first-- after all, it's been years since they've properly done this-- but they soon melt into each other, deepening the kiss a little. 

As they become familiar with each other, there comes a sort of desperation too, and it isn't long before hands have explored every available surface and Louis starts fumbling with Harry's belt, wanting more.

"Bedroom?" Harry asks breathlessly and Louis nods, pupils dilated as Harry hoists him over his shoulder.

The remains of their lunch lies sadly unfinished on the table.

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