VIII - My Mother

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I've been here for months now. Clueless on what the world has been doing. I've been doing the same thing I do every morning I wake up. Which is going outside and have a quick walk.

The snow is beginning to melt and slowly fades away.

I also find someone going back and fourth in the cabin every weekends. Must be someone my parents had sent on delivering some clothes and stock of food and such. So I hid myself in one of the trees or bushes, watching that person going in and out of the cabin.

I do quite know which way that leads to the house.

I'm even planning on going back there again just to get enough money and get some of my books. The money I would have is that I would spend it on books. Which the bookstore is far enough here, but there will be no problem.

It's pretty boring in the cabin in which I would just sit there and do nothing, and just stare at the ceiling, the wall, sit beside the fire for warmth, and etc.

I've been reading books since I was still a kid. Reading books distracts me from being bored.

I planned on going home on 2 days. Pretty quick but I can't handle being bored and such. Well something's gotta give, I can't live here doing nothing and just that. Be satisfied with this life I'm living right now. It just brings pins in my head. Thinking of what I would do and what if someone will find me here, and that someone might be Ann. I can't act all weird around her. Especially if we both encounter each other.

And I can't help it.

••• ••• ••• ••• •••

Days went by so fast. I'll be going home later. And it's obvious I would be only walking. And that's not a problem. My problem is what if my parents caught me, how will I explain to them on why I'm even there. Well, I'll just have to face the consequences.

I walked and walked. Every step aches. I remember a small memory each step I take. But I have to keep going.

I'm standing outside the house now. Staring at the door. I took a step forward, now staring at the doorknob. I opened the door quietly, hoping everyone would be in the kitchen. No one's around. I quickly walked up the stairs.

Upon seeing my room again was a blow. It's been a long time.

I didn't waste any time. I grabbed many books as I can. I made a little mess but it's worth it. My backpack is a bit heavy now.

Time to leave. Someone's coming. The sound getting near each step it take. I think it heard the noises I made in here. I hid myself under my old study table, since it's dark in here.

The figure seems to be a woman. She switches the light on. And brightness spread all over the room. The woman is my. . . Mom, my mother. She's curious on why is the room in total mess. It's easy to tell that she's curios 'cause it's written all over her face.

I just hope that she won't freak out and scream.

Instead screaming and running in horror, she did the opposite. She hugged me. I missed my mother's hug. She's crying. I know, 'cause I feel her tears falling down to my shoulders as she hugs me.

"Dean, I missed you. How are you? Are you hungry? You look pale. Oh, I missed my baby boy" my mother said.

"I-I missed you t-too, mom." I said.

"Aaww, let me hug you again." She said and hugged me again.

Breaking the hug, "I've g-got to go." I said

"Your bag, it's full. I can get you a bigger bag so you can bring all your things and I'll take you to the cabin when you go back before your father arrives."

Then she left, still her eyes red from crying. She knows why I'm here. She must have saw my bookshelf almost half empty.

A couple of minutes past. She brought a bigger bag and helped me put the things I needed. She even brought 2 bags of grocery. When we were done, she went out to get the car keys and I waited outside the house.

While she was driving, I kept my distance and stayed silent. Then suddenly, my mother began saying that she never wanted to leave me alone in the woods. But my father insisted because he said it's for the greater good for me.

We arrived at our destination, we said our goodbyes. I don't want her to come with me anyway. I don't wanna feel bad when she leaves.

I walk silently. Getting deeper and deeper into the forest.

I drop the bags on the floor. And lay down on the couch.

Slowly drifting to sleep.
Thinking made me sleepy.

And everything went black.

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Sorry for wrong grammars, spellings and such. And also I'll make the others more understandable than this one. And I was busy of school. And sorry for not updating recently. I'll do my best to update.

And this is the longest chapter of all the other chapters. Lol, I'll do my best to make the other chapters long.

Thnx :)

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