II - Feared by Them

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Since that day came, My parents were so afraid of me. But they still had respect and love for me so they planned a place for me to be kept safe, far from civilization, and etc. Just to hide me.

I didn't finish high school. So far, I was doing well. I just need my skills and a smart mind, even though I'm a psycho but just with a mind.

They planned it all too well. Too well for me to notice. Good enuogh to keep me far away.

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I happen to wake in a cabin. Surely my parents had a brilliant plan. The cabin was tidy. I was about to go outside when I saw a note, a message perhaps. As I held the paper. I read the message saying:

"Dear Dean,
Your father and I build this cabin just for you. You barely didn't notice us because you locked yourself at your room. We're sorry we didn't informed you about our plan.

You'll be safe here. We'll be sending food and clothes for you every weekend. We hope you understand.

We left some supplies for you. We know you can handle yourself. You are free, you can go out the cabin.

This is even hard for us letting you go. But this is for your safety. We love you Dean. Always remember that.

Mom & Dad

Yeah, that was a long message. Hhhmm, supplies huh? I guess I'll be fine here. Alone. I'm used to being alone anyway.

They love me. *Ppsshh* Feared by them at the same time.

I wouldn't be here anyway if I only didn't *coughs* killed that person.

I returned to my room which was where I awaken. And slept like I didn't care.

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Sorry for typos if I did have some. And for wrong grammars.

And this is also a birthday gift for myself xD

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