Chapter 1- Birth of Albus Severus Potter

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*Teddy is sitting over his window, desperately waiting for someone. At last, with a pop sound, someone comes out of nowhere and knocks on the door. Teddy is overwhelmed and rushes towards the main door.*

Teddy:- (opening the door) So...?

Harry:- (smiling) It's a baby boy!!!

Teddy:- Oh God!! Congratulations!! (Turning his hairs bubble pink)

Harry:- (pulling him into a hug) Thank you so much, Ted! Want to see him?

Teddy:- Of course! James is there too isn't he?

Harry:- Yes! Let's go, of course, you're not old enough for a side-along apparition but let's take the car.

Teddy:- I'll inform Grandma!

*Rushes to Andromeda's room* Grandma! Grandma! Harry just had a baby boy!! I'm off to see him.

Andromeda:- (smiling) Yes of course! You go ahead darling, Have a safe journey bye.

*Harry and Teddy reach Potter Cottage and get inside finding Ron and Hermione with the rest of Weasleys already at home. The baby seemed to be in Hermione's arm.*

Teddy:-WOTCHER everyone! I want to see him!! Show me.

Hermione:- Oh hello Teddy! (Bending down) look at him!

Teddy:- Merlin's Pants he is sooo cute!!! Can I hold him, please?!

Hermione:- (looking at Harry) Umm...

Harry:- Oh Teddy come here! (Teddy does the same) Alright, give him Hermione!

*Teddy holds the baby in his hand with the support of Harry's hands.*

Teddy:- He's so light! Can he change his hair color? Does he eat chocolates? Will he be my friend? His hands are so tiny!

Ron:- Honestly Teddy! Relax. (Laughing with everyone in the room)

Hermione:- Oh, I hoped that Evanna and Lianna would be here but I can't understand why are they out of the city today only!

Ginny:- You know their obsession with getting everything for the baby before he's even born? You know those muggle T.Vs, they were watching it last night and saw a crib in it...They were telling me that there was an advertisement of a crib from France! Honestly, how could a crib from France be advertised in those muggle-boxes?

Harry and Hermione:- (Laughing)

Harry:- Don't think muggles are stupid. They have invented so many wonderful things like communication throughout continents with the help of satellites. One could watch Australian T.V shows sitting in England!

Arthur:- I always told you all! Muggles, Ingenious!

*The baby suddenly starts crying and Harry holds him standing back up.*

Harry:- Shh shh shh Al... (takes the baby away from Teddy and tries to calm him down)

Teddy:- I-I-I swear I-I didn't do anything!

*But no one seemed to have listened to him as they were all gathered around Harry and the baby.*

Molly:- Did you just call him Al?

George:- No offence that's a weird name for a human baby. *Looks at his mother's stern look* Oh I-nevermind.

Angelina:- Don't mind him, Harry, he doesn't mean that.

Harry:- (Laughing) Oh no, I don't mind at all... Well no more suspense, is there? So I, well technically me and Ginny, decided to name him... (Clearing his throat dramatically) ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER!

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