Chapter 3- Edward Remus "Teddy" Lupin.

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*It was a quiet afternoon in the Potter's house. The kids were having their afternoon nap while their parents were sitting in the living room couch enjoying the silence.*

Ginny:- It's finally peaceful! (lies down on the couch) James has been a wreck for the past few days! crying for absolutely no reason, being clumsy and so much more.

Harry:- Merlin's! He's just a child Gin, don't worry he'll be alright soon, now before I forget to tell you, I got an owl from Fleur and Bill that they need us to take care of Victoire because they are going out of town to bring Domnique and Louis from Fleur's mum. They will be here anytime soon.

Ginny:- Well that's great! I'll invite Teddy too! He'll enjoy playing with the kids, and we'll finally get to spend some time with him. I'll send him an owl

*a while later at Andromeda's house*

Teddy:- Hey gran, what are you doing?

Andromeda:- Oh nothing; just reading the Daily Prophet, dear. You getting bored huh? (looks up from her newspaper to Teddy) Oh how silly of me! I almost forgot to tell you that Harry and Ginny invited to their house so you could spend some time with them!

*Teddy's face drops as he remembers what happened yesterday*

Teddy:- Oh well I don't want to go today, maybe another day? (Trying to keep himself normal)

Andromeda:- But why not? (Keeps her newspaper down, concerned) You'll have fun if you go... You can play with James, Albus, Victoire!

Teddy:- (huffs angrily) I don't want to gran!

Andromeda:- Come on Teddy! Go on, you'll enjoy!

Teddy:- NO! I WON'T GO! (Hairs turning bright red) I DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM! THEY DON'T, WHY SHOULD I BOTHER?

*He runs back to his room with hot tears running out of his eyes and slamming the door before his grandmother could enter*

*After a little while*

Andromeda:- Teddy dear? Can I come in, please?

Teddy:- Ye- yes gran (he says as he hiccups caused by the crying)

Andromeda:- I'm sorry for insisting like that... But what happened? Why don't you want to go to their house? Did something happen last night?

Teddy:- They- they- they didn't want to see my biggest achievement of all time! They ignored the fact that I learnt something from mum!!! They all were focused on Al! Al pooped, Al is hungry, this that, this that!! They ignored me! They just don't care gran! (hairs turn to bright red)

*He says as he bursts out crying and his hair turn muse brown*

Andromeda:- I can't believe they did that! (Slightly angry herself) I will make sure that they don't do that ever again! Don't worry dear I'll talk to them about it.

Teddy:- No gran don't tell them! It's fine I will get over it.. Anyways , their precious Albus is wayyy more important to them since he's a baby and their real son!

Andromeda:- But I can't let this be! I have to talk to them about it. Remus and Dora trusted you with them; they ought to take care of you!

Teddy:- Gran please... How can you force Harry to love me like before? He'll listen to you but it would be nothing like before! I bet they'll always compare me with Albus or taunt me for feeling left out! It's okay Gran... I'll learn to be happy with myself and you as dad and mom did.

Andromeda:- (feels touched with Teddy's words) Oh my Teddy-bear, you're just like your mother! She never complaint me for the lack of company in her childhood... And your dad, he was forced to be alone for his werewolf problem. They would have been so proud today! (Sighs tiredly) Anyways, now let's cheer you up a little bit! What do you want to do?

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