Chapter 4:- The planning Chapter 4:- The planning

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*Everyone arrives at the Potters' house the next day*

Harry:- Alright, since everyone is here; we can start sharing our ideas.

Evanna:- Yeah, I and Lianna will go first!

Everyone else:- . . .

Lianna:- Come on guys! Our ideas are always brilliant.

Hermione:- You mean like the one where you set the Library in my house on fake fire for my birthday gift?

Evanna:- Oh... wasn't that incredible? I still have the photos of you squealing like a kitten instead of getting out of the house. Hermione, you should really work on your survival skills!

Lianna:- Besides... the whole point was that the fire was fake- and after we distinguished it, there was a new set of your favourite books in the unharmed library of yours!

Hermione:- While I appreciate your gift very much, I'm positive that if you hadn't made faint in my supposedly on-fire house...I'd like the present more.

Harry:- Yeah... that's why Evv and Liann...You really do not have any obligation for any ideas whatsoever.

Evanna:- But we were planning to turn Andy's house into chocolate factory!!!

Andromeda:- Absolutely not! I'll not only you to destroy my house for that!

Lianna:- But Andyy!!! It's for Teddy!

Andromeda:- Teddy wouldn't take bribe for his anger and disappointment! I'm not allowing you to spoil my grandson like that.

Harry:- shut up both of you. Anyone else?

Ron:- I'll start with my idea. I've thought that it would be a good idea if we plan a death eater attack-

Hermione:- RON!-

Ron:- -Let me finish Hermione.

So as I was saying that, what if we tell some Aurors to dress up as death eaters and attack at Andromeda's house later today...?

Andromeda:- (huffs) And how is that related to making up with Teddy?

Ron:- Honestly Andy, let me finish. So later today when Andy goes back to her house, Ginny, Evanna and Lianna would join her at her house for something, and let's say any of them will hear a noise outside the house where they'll go and supposedly our death eaters would attack them; Obviously Teddy would be scared and worried and at that time, Me, Harry and Hermione will come and save the day I suppose. This will result in Teddy's anger to be kept away and that he'll trust us back-

Hermione:- -We really shouldn't do that, it's not professional for us to merely act as we are planning an attack that can accidentally hurt someone and if Teddy finds out he'll be more hurt than he already is. And might as well hate us even more after that.

Ron:- Hermione, it's not like that-

Harry:- -I think it's a brilliant idea. We can tell him about the act later after we have explained ourselves to him. Right now, he'll not understand a word because he is angry with us and trying to shut us all out. But after this carefully planned attack, he'll at least feel safe with us, feel that we're here for him and it might help in explaining him about the past few events and its possible he'll listen to us.

Ron:- Yes, and then we'll tell him that the act was staged, I'm pretty sure after all the explanation, he won't be mad at us.

Evanna:- Ron. . .

I never knew you would come up with such a brilliant idea!

Ron:- Yeah? Am I suppose to take that as a compliment or an insult?

Ginny:- Both.

Hermione:- But damn, that idea was bloody brilliant!

Lianna:- Bloody?

Hermione:- (rolls her eyes,) Oof, Ron side effects. (Laughs)

Harry:- Alright so the plan is simple, Ginny, Evanna and Lianna will go to Andromeda's house to help her and Ginny will hear a noise coming from the back door and pretend to check the back door and while everyone is busy she will secretly remove the protective enchantments so that the Aurors could get in directly into the house without any problems.

Hermione:- Are you sure about the removal of the protective enchantments?

Evanna:- Oh common, I will be there! I! Evanna Euphemia Potter-

Lianna:- And I, Lianna Lily Potter-

Ron:- And I! Ronald Bilius Weasley will hex you both if you keep interrupting in the middle of the conversation!

(A/N: This following is an additional fam-base themed scene; it's basically just humour)


Harry:- Wha-

Ginny:- Ah yes, that's true but you forgot something; that you two are mentally like Albus!!

Lianna:- Ohhh! Albus Dumbledore you mean! Thank you!

Harry:- NoOo Albus Potter we meannn!

(A/N:- And it ends here!)

Hermione:- Can we go back to the original topic?

Ginny:- So, I've got the solution to your concern 'mione. See when the aurors will enter the house, I'll put back all the enchantments just for safety measures alright?

Hermione:- Hmm. . . Seems like an idea to me

*Later that day at the ministry*

*Ron and Hermione are at Harry's office*

Hermione:- So as we made clear before that we would get a patronus from Ginny once the so called death eaters arrive and then we'll head to Andromeda's house.

*A beautiful horse patronus arrives and it speaks in Ginny's voice*

"Alright They're here."

Harry:- Ok guys let's head to Andromeda's house.

*Harry and Hermione start walking but then realize that Ron is still behind*

Harry:- Ron? We need to go.

Ron:- Erm... What's the second patronus about?

*A sphinx patronus starts talking*

"Mr Potter, there will be a slight delay in our arrival at Mrs Tonks house, there is an emergency that we have to attend. Sorry for the inconvenience caused but we'll be there after an hour or so."

Harry, Ron and Hermione:- (Share a confused look with each other) Wot??

(A/N:- Well dat was damatic- We've always wanted to try cliffyss!!! Who do y'all think is at Potters' house if the actual Aurors did not go to Andromeda's house? And before you suggest it, No, Voldy-shorts is dead... it's not him. Keep guessing until we meet again! Avada babada to all the Hp haters!)

It won't be fair if you don't appreciate the hard works of my other half:(

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