A Small Fight

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As they continue with their tasks, Gen asks him to explain more in depth how he thinks the un-petrification might work. His reasoning, his hypotheses, theories and conclusions.

Once again, Senku finds it refreshing to be able to discuss everything with someone else, even if that someone has no idea about half the things he says.

Well, that would be giving Gen too little credit. He was no chemist by any means, but he had a good understanding of things and didn't hesitate to ask what was unclear to him (when he knew that the answer could help him understand better and not confuse him even more, that is). It almost made him forget that he was the author of those tedious books.


He decides to ask about them at some point of the night, which of course earns him an annoying: "Is Senku-chan interested in me? I'm flattered~."

A few hours ago, that answer would have been enough for him to go back to ignoring Gen, but now Senku found himself simply rolling his eyes. Not for the first time, he wondered if it was a product of loneliness or if this fake magician was doing some sort of trick on him.

"Can't you just answer the question?"

"Well, if you must know, I just slapped that book together without much thought."

"So you are an idiot."

"An idiot who wanted to make some easy money, yes~."

Senku wasn't sure if he should be disgusted or impressed by Gen's admission. Considering how popular the book was among his classmates, maybe a combination of both.

He said as much, earning a smile from his companion.

"Well, if you ever need to con someone, just let me know," Gen offers with a wink.

"I'll keep it in mind," he answers, giving him a smirk in return.

It's a silly promise, considering they seem to be the only humans left, but it's a fact easier to ignore than what one would expect. Afterall, they were both planning to restore humanity someday.


Sleep came easily that first night, both equally exhausted from all the events of the day. However, he is surprised when he wakes up and finds Gen quietly sewing in a corner. Senku can't help but stare for a while, quite mesmerized by the practiced movements of his hands.

The result is nothing extravagant, both of them know there is no time for such things, and Senku finds himself briefly wondering what kind of clothes Gen would wear if given the choice.

Probably some fancy suit or something like that.

"Would have liked something more colorful, but this will do," Gen comments with a sigh, startling Senku by letting him know that he was aware of him being awake.

"Still, never would I have guessed that you would be a yukata type of guy," Senku decides to answer as Gen carefully slips inside his newly acquired clothing, leaving the uncomfortable leaves behind.

Even though he wasn't at Yuzuriha's level, Senku had to admit that the yukata fitted him quite well. He would have to take it into account if he ever needed help with more delicate tasks.

"It was the easiest thing to make, although the color leaves much to be desired," Gen laments while looking down at his clothing, which are the same tone as Senku's. The idea of making dye for his clothes briefly crosses his mind, but he quickly discards it. They didn't have time for such trivial things. "I could also use some pants... and a coat."

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