Third Wheeling

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Originally it was going to be "Senku gets his revenge for all those years of third wheeling Taiju and Yuzuriha... only that Taiju doesn't really mind", but it's actually worse than that.


"Se-Senku!" A loud cry echoed as a guy emerged from the bushes and raced towards Senku.

Gen didn't need any introductions to know who he was, the smile on Senku's face at that moment told him everything he needed to know.

"So you finally woke up, you Big Oaf," Senku said, clearly happy about seeing his friend. However, the happiness didn't last long as he noticed Taiju was still moving towards him without showing signs of stopping.

"Ohhh! You survived, Senku!! I'm...! I'm so–"

"Don't you dare hug me all naked like that! I'll kill you!" Senku threatened as he kicked him away.

Gen couldn't hold it any longer and began to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?!" Senku protested, turning his attention back to him while still keeping Taiju away from him with his foot.

"Ah, so this is the famous Taiju-chan, I presume?" Gen said, completely ignoring Senku's question. Only then did Taiju seem to notice his presence and Senku sighed in relief when he stopped attempting to hug him in order to stare at Gen instead. His eyes were big as plates. "Ah, where are my manners? I'm–"

"Gen Asagiri! I know you! From the book!" He pointed out, clearly excited. "Wait, is this a prank show?! That's it, isn't?!"

"I'm afraid it's not," Gen knew he shouldn't laugh at that. It was a reasonable conclusion after finding your best friend next to a celebrity. Even he considered the possibility when he first woke up. However, the reality of the situation was much more grim than that.

"Today is October 5th, 5,738. You really overslept, you big jerk. We've been up and working for over half a year now," Senku said then.

As they walked back to camp, Senku briefed Taiju on what happened, or at least, what they knew about the situation, while Gen followed a little bit behind. He was happy for Senku, of course he was. Finally, after nearly a year of waiting, he had his best friend back. You could tell how close they were, even though Senku was trying hard to act nonchalant about it.

However, Gen would be lying if he said that it didn't feel a bit lonely. He had no one from his past that he wanted to revive and that one person that mattered to him, more perhaps than either of them would like to admit, had gotten what he wanted all along.

Yes, Gen hadn't forgotten their argument, and though they had reconciled after it, he hadn't been able to completely shake the feeling that his presence was merely tolerated. With Taiju back, Senku was finally able to move forward with his plan to revive everyone. He didn't need him anymore.

It wasn't that he was going to miss his collecting task, but it hurt a little to know that even for that he wouldn't be useful since, with his strength and stamina, Taiju could collect twice (or maybe trice) what he could in less time. Yes, he still couldn't apart what was edible and what not, but he would surely get the hang of it soon. He was Senku's best friend, after all.

But what was left for him? He had become a useless weight.

"The fun begins at last," Senku smiled after sending Taiju out to collect, turning to him with an evil smile. "We can finally focus on the depetrification formula."


"Congratulations, Mentalist, you have ascended. From now on you will be my lab assistant."


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