Chapter 2: Miracle Child

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 In the heart of the many worlds created by the god of the gate and his immortal monster of creation, was the first city, Metropolis

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In the heart of the many worlds created by the god of the gate and his immortal monster of creation, was the first city, Metropolis. It was a grand city, one that stood tall and bright, Bustling with life, its people content and prosperous under the two guardians' care, one in particular, a prodigy of science and technology, Opal Heiden. Opal was the daughter of Hector and Hecate Heiden, two of the oldest and most prominent members of Metropolis high society.


Hector was the chief scientist of G.E.A.R., an organization dedicated to the research and development of new technologies. In terms of prowess, there was no field outside his area of expertise and as a child, like his daughter, was heralded as a prodigy. Whereas Hecate was the high priestess of The Oracles of Nexus, a group who worshiped the gate, its magic, and those who had the ability to control the chaotic magic held within, sometimes even going as far as labeling these so called guardians of the gates, as gods themselves...often to the strong objections of the immortal monster herself. As a high priestess, Hecate's magical powers were second to none. She was proficient in every magic known within all the realms.

Together the Heidens seemed like the perfect union, science and magic coexisting in a perfect harmony.  Their many years spent together lead to countless breakthroughs and blessings for all throughout the connected nexus verse. The ability to prolong human life for well over a thousand years-among many. However, there was one blessing that had always escaped the two geniuses... the ability to create human life.

Neither of the Heidens were capable of conceiving a child, via magic or science. Despite all of their many contributions to their world, they could not create or bear a child. Up to this vary day in recorded history, every living creature and plant within Metropolis was created by the two immortals that roamed the lands connected through the gates, but as human nature proved again and again... they were never satisfied with what they had, they always felt the need and desire for more.

After many years, nearly giving up all hopes on the secrets of creating new human life, the two turned to traveling to the eastern outer-rim of Metropolis, to seek the immortals forest, to pray and search for inspiration in the still-wild area on the outskirts of their city, known as the forest of origins.

Hecate felt a powerful, almost unexplainable energy that she was drawn to in the center of the vast forest, only a practitioner of magic could detect, within the confines of this human-less paradise.

In their wandering, they came across a large, peculiar, sunset pink shaded willow tree elevated on top of a grass covered stone pedestal with elegant white columns raising it far above the crystal clear pond and stream that flowed below, teaming with life and the sounds of nature. The Magic surrounding the area made the tree's leaves glow softly with a dim golden light. Strange small glowing lights, barely bigger than specs of dust, that seemed to float around the base of the tree, just inches off the ground. Ominous looking small gemstones scattered about at its base, some dark, shattered and cracked, some still intact of many different hues.

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