Chapter 7: Fesitival of the Nexus Gate

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Gaiya, the monster of creation, danced her way alone to a symphony of magic and light through the forest on the outskirts of Gearford

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Gaiya, the monster of creation, danced her way alone to a symphony of magic and light through the forest on the outskirts of Gearford.  Her movements were graceful and fluid as she conjured life out of nothing from the forest floor. With each wave of her hands, colorful flowers bloomed from the ground, small animals scampered about, and towering trees sprouted upwards, reaching for the sky. Her magic sparkled and floated like radiant light, casting an enchanted aura over the forest.

As she moved amidst her creations, waves of magic rippled through the air, shimmering and illuminating her surroundings. But in a moment of unforeseen clumsiness, Gaiya stumbled as her vision blackened as she fell through the ground... an accidental nexus portal opening beneath her feet. 

Plunging through darkness, Gaiya emerged into a world unlike any she had ever seen before.


Smoke filled her vision as she landed within a bustling scene of merchants setting up for a festival of sorts.

CRASH, a 6 foot long table collapsed, the marionette fell atop a hard plastic rectangular board that was completely covered in soft squishy dolls. Squeaking and tumbling noises comically lit up the table and surrounding area.

People froze in place with a deafening silence that overcame the very large indoor room with many tables, banners, toys, posters and plush.  Strangers gazed over in astonishment, wondering where this mysterious looking woman had fallen from.

Running over to the scene, a modern-day convention security guard, clad in a scottish inspired red plaid kilt with belt and pocket attachments, knee high black socks, a red shirt with a large black gear embellishment on the front and back,  and a radio handset with attachment earpiece and belt clip;  hurried over to help the elven looking cosplayer, their exchange awkward as they communicated. 

"That looked like a pretty nasty fall, almost as if you fell out of the ceiling rafters, but there's no broken or disturbed panels up there and that's a couple dozen feet in the air ma'am.  You're not hurt anywhere are you?"

"oh...I'm not hurt..." her elf ears perked up as she spoke, laying ridiculously at the center of a collapsed table in an oddly large pile of cute and colorful anime plushies.

"We probably shouldn't attempt to move you until someone gets a look at you, I'll bring the convention EMT's on staff right away, are you gonna be alright while I go get them?" The kind man asked politely.

"Oh yes, I'm quite alright... I've had many far worse falls than this before dear..." she said with a gleaming smile, confusing the young man with her odd statement.

Gaiya, covered in what appeared to be some type of glitter from her magical fall, apologized for her clumsiness and introduced herself, "I'm much too clumsy for my own good and don't much ever pay attention to where I'm walking most of the just takes up more time than I have available... My name is Gaiya, where am I exactly?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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