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Eight |

It wasn't long before I reached a large fence. I hadn't been here, but I hadn't needed to in order to know I had reached the Wolf Cove. I soft sigh of relief filled me and I slowly began following the fence. According to Father Antonio, this fence used to be electric, ran by the Wolf Cove windmills, but about twenty years ago, the fences were shut down. I didn't believe him, how could anyone have electric fences running? That meant anyone hurt or needing to climb the fence for safety would die. It seemed too cruel, and besides, everyone knew zombies couldn't climb fences. The added on electricity would only be effective against animals and other humans. In any case, eventually, the fence lad to a large gate. At the front of the gate sat a guard on a lawn chair, sunglasses hanging off his face while a clipboard balanced on his knee and a large wolf laying beside the man chewing on a large bone.

"Hello!" I called.

He looked over, taking off his sunglasses, sitting a little taller, "Hey! Welcome to Wolf Cove, are you here for business or leisure? In any case, you'll have to sign in."

I nodded, walking over slowly, "Yeah uh I'm E-Rose Brooks."

"Rose Brooks?" he blinked, "Mira's eldest daughter?"

A nervous laughed flung from my lips, "Yeah, that's me."

I don't think people outside of those that we knew at the time didn't know that Rose was dead. However, I knew very soon there would be letters sent to all the settlements that I had left the island without clearance to do so. With all the settlement leaders at the island, it would give me some time to get to the wall, but I couldn't forget about those letters. They probably were already sent out by bird communications.

"Shit, no ones seen you for a few years now," he laughed, "You look different! Softer, I guess time at home really gave you some fluff. How long has it been? Five years?"

My throat felt dry, "F-four. Four years."

"Yeah!" he laughed, "Just sign here, and go on in. Luna's not here, neither is Haile or Oz. Did you want to see Alpha? He should be back any second from hunting."

I opened my mouth, but finding no words to speak.

"What's that about Alpha?" a deep voice boomed from behind me.

I flinched, turning on my heels, my face turning bright red. Standing behind me in all his glory was Alpha and at his side a younger version of himself. The two wore similar Wolf Cove attire, along with large guns strapped to their backs and of course, a large pack of dire wolves around them. I counted eight at his side—no nine. About six of them had large pieces of hunt in their mouths

"Hm," Alpha grunted, his eyes narrowing on me.

"Sir! This is Rose Brooks, remember her?" the loud mouth guard said brightly.

Alpha's heavy grey eyes stared me down for a moment before he nodded, "Rose. Right."

"I was just getting her to fill out the paper work and—"

"—no need for that. Come on Rose, follow me. Valen take the wolves to drop off the meat," Alpha commanded, "Scrap any papers Miss. Rose started filling out. She's here on a secret mission."

The guard nodded, "Y-Yes sir!"

As Alpha walked past him into the settlement, I looked at the guard slowly, confusion filling me. He ripped up the papers without question, and Alpha's son—Valen walked past us with the wolves. I flinched away from them, and the deer bits that hung from their mouth, my nose crinkling at the smell of fresh blood.

"Come along Rose!" Alpha barked.

I nodded quickly, "Y-Yeah!"

This settlement was amazing, with a large main road cutting through the middle, and many buildings on either side of the road. I also noted the windmills turning in the distance. My eyes flickered back to the settlement, people moving around, working, being busy. No one glanced over at us as we made our way down the road before we turned off towards a large manor-style building. I looked back to the wolves, where they seemed to silently understand to follow Valen. Alpha entered the manor, and I followed. The inside of the home was nice, it smelt like fresh bread and cinnamon. A few people moved around the house, some lounging on couches in the large living room, others seemed to be cleaning or doing other tasks.

"Come to my office," he hummed.

I continued to follow him, past a large room with a larger dinning table and many, many chairs, then down to a hall full of doors. The one he stopped at read "Luna" and as he pressed it open, I could smell apples. He stepped inside, moving to sit at the pretty oak desk, two bookshelves holding many books, and also a soft black couch. It was a baren office, I noted the lit candle on the desk, and a pile of papers on the couch.

"Your office?" I echoed his previous words.

His eyes rolled.

"My wife's office smartass now tell me why you're using your sister's name?"

My gaze dropped, "I didn't know anyone knew she was gone."

"You look a lot like her," he sighed, leaning back in the chair, "But also different. What kind of trouble are you in kid? Why are you this far from home?"

Tears collected in my eyes and for a moment I wanted to tell him everything. How Rose really died, Ophelia's betrayal, those pulling the strings outside the wall—but I held back a lump sitting in my throat. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't say anything because this was all too crazy to have the "right thing" to say. So instead, I said nothing. Clamping my mouth shut, I hot glared at the floor.

"Alright," he sighed, "What do you need?"

I looked at him suddenly, with surprise, "What?"

"You came here for a reason, what do you need for your journey?"

"Why?" I gasped, "Why help me without knowing what I was doing?"

"Because I know your family."

"My mom you mean."

"Your sister too. They are both remarkable women. I know a bit about remarkable women, I'm married to one and my daughter is one. I'm not the smartest man, that's why Luna runs the show around here now, but I do know that when it comes down to it, family comes first. Always. Your family has always been apart of Wolf Cove's family."

"Oh," I whispered, a small smile on my face.

"Also your parents are going to kill me if they know I tried to turn you away. Hell, I don't think you'd give me the damn chance to contact them first. The women in your family are slippery little buggers," he grunted.

My eyes rolled, "I just need some basic camping supplies. How fast can you get them?"

"An hour? You should head to the Town of Roses next though, tell them I sent you and they can hook you up with a horse. It's between here and the wall anyways."

My eyes widened.

"You don't have to tell them your name, but if they do maybe pick a different one other than Rose," he chuckled softly, "Just stay safe, alright kid?"

I smiled slowly, "I don't understand your actions but...thank you."

Maybe not all adults were bad.                         

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