Twenty-Five |

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Twenty-Five |

To my confusion, Nicolaus took me back to the long hall where our rooms were. I glanced at him curiously as he kept his eyes down on a little screen that flashed with different words. I opened my mouth to let him know that my friends were last on the roof and not the strange bedrooms but the dark look that flashed across his face made me think otherwise.

"Your friends are in room four," he hummed, "Enjoy the rest of your day."


He left and I looked down the hall towards the doors counting them off until I reached room four. I suddenly got nervous as I pushed open the door, my nerves calmed as I looked at the three. This room was not a bedroom but instead a room with a single table in the middle and four chairs around the table. Idris and Cerci sat on one side, with Cora on the other. My eyes watched them carefully, Cora seemed to be giving them rundown of a book.

"Whatchu looking at?" I asked lightly.

While deciding if I should tell them about Persephone, I let the door behind me shut. They looked over at me, Idris smiled with relief while Cerci gave me a bright smile. Cora merely watched me curiously—no doubt wondering how much Nicolaus had shown me.

"You're back!" Cerci breathed with happiness, "What took you so long?"

I chuckled, moving to sit on the edge of the table before the lie flew from my lips easily, "Sorry, the tour took longer than expected."

At first, I wasn't sure why I lied. Idris was one of my closest friends and Cerci was so good to me. I knew we'd only just met days ago but I could trust her. I could trust them both and I knew Cora must know about her sister and yet I lied.

I lied to protect them, I realized. Persephone was not normal, and she was scary. I had no idea how they'd react but I knew it was insane. Zombies were already scary enough and the Delta strand was terrifying without adding that monster into the mix. I kept my smile forced as the two began telling me about their own adventure.

"Alexander James kicked us off," Idris sighed.

My eyes widened, "Why?"

"Because apparently, Cora's game isn't something they allow," Cerci giggled.

I glanced at Cora, "Really?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "Technically, the reason General James gave was that he did not want our guests hanging off the roof. However, the swing is perfectly safe."

My eyes rolled, "Mhm."

There was a loud buzz above us and I looked up, finding a small speaker in the corner of the ceiling. My lips parted as it spoke.

"The Time is now eight post meridiem. Please return to your place of rest unless authorized otherwise. I repeat it is now eight post meridiem time."

I looked at Cora curiously, "What's that?"

"Bedtime," she replied.

"Wait a minute," Cerci gasped with shock, "You have a curfew?"

"Is that not normal?" she mused.

Idris glanced at me with a frown before looking back to her, "The Tunnels only enforce a curfew if zombies enter into the mall entrance. You don't get much freedom here do you?"

"Freedom is a luxury of another time," she replied before standing, "Good night."

"See you tomorrow," I replied.

As she slipped out of the room, I looked back to my two friends who looked as unsure as I felt. I swung my feet for a moment and wondered about this strange rule. I don't think the island has ever had such a rule, I'm sure the Town of Roses did not and the tunnel only did if zombies were actively in their area of their entrance.

That feeling that sank in my stomach, it was only growing.

"What's our plan now?" I asked the two.

Cerci merely smiled, "Bedtime?"

I sighed, it seemed so. We went our separate ways for the time being—I wandered down the hall until room zero came into view and when I turned, I found that Idris was in room two and Cerci was in room five. Both in the same hall as me. It relaxed me slightly to know they were so close, and when I laid on the cot, sleep came easy.

"Eero you have to run away from here."

I opened my eyes, to where I sat back in room four. At the table, with Rose sitting across from me. My eyes narrowed on her and I knew this was just a dream—I'd always been a lucid dreamer but lately, I've been obsessing with Rose so much that it was driving me insane.

"Wake up Eero," I muttered.

"You can't wake up," she replied, "Not yet. Not until I'm done talking."

My eyes widened and I frowned slightly. This was certainly new but I was more upset over this fucking dream. I didn't want this—I didn't want to keep seeing her. I was already so confused and lost; this was only making things worse. My gaze dropped.

"You're dead Rose," I whispered, "Leave me alone."

"Am I dead?"

When my eyes rose, she was gone.

I woke up to the sound of an alarm blasting and a red light flickering in the corner of the ceiling. My body felt heavy—as if something was pinned on my chest. I couldn't move, and I couldn't see, only the flashes of red gave me some sort of vision.

I let out a cry, "What the fuck—"

A smiling face stared down at me, a hand grabbed my mouth.

"Hello Sister."

I screamed against the muffled hand. 

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