Chapter 1

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Bruce's pov:

I woke up to my alarm,and got up off my bed.I put on my slippers and went to my bathroom to do my necessary things!After I'm done,i got back to my room,made my bad,couse i'm a responsabile child!And then put on my school uniform!

I went downstairs to check the kitchen.My mom was there waiting for me!

-,,Good morning hunny!!Slept welll?"

-,, Morning !!Yeah i think,i just wanna eat right now:')!"i said crying my eyes out

-,, Alright I'm not gonna keep you waiting,i don't want you late for school!Sit down at the table,I'll bring breakfast in a min!!"

-,,Thanks mom!!"

After i ate the food,i grabbed my backpack,put in some food for lunch,and got on my shoes!!

Outside is kinda cold,so i decided to put on a coat.

-,,Mommm,im going on my way to school!!!See you later!Love you!!"I screamed making sure she heard me

-,,Love ya too kid!Take care at school,and have good luck!"My mom screamed from another with a excited but kinda sweet tone:)

I was slowly walking twords the bus station,but the bus wasn't there?Something was wrong...

I opened my mobile phone to see that i was late with 10 MINUTES????HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPENED??

Another bus would come only in the next 45 mins,so i needed to run with my legs to school...

I spent running 20 minutes,i was so out of breath,what do i do to be on time.Before i even knew i was in front of my school.So i took on some strength and walked in the school.

I went to my locker,put my backpack there,and took out my necessary books,and went on my way to class,but the bell rang..,Shit' i thought in my mind..I cannot be late...

I took a speed and wanted to go to my classroom,but just when I started running,i bumped into someone....

I flew with him on the coridor,and lended on the top of the boy who's body felt like a solid material,i could tell he was taller then me!I'm 5'5(165 for me fellow Europens) and he was about 5'7(170) i think.... Suddenly when i got my head up to apologize to the person i froze...

It was Vance Hopper...The MOST dangerous kid in the town,who could punch you by only staring at him wrong...He's eyes looked angry,like he was gonna explode,i mean what did I expect???

Before i could even realize,a crowd of kid circled us,and some of them starting screaming different things as:


,,Bruce get your ass out of there!!!"

,,STOP IT!!"(They were trying to stop them into fighting)

Ofcorse i got no intention of fighting him,I'm a stick compared to him.But he definitely would throw punches me.

-,,Look I'm really sorry,i was late an-"


He took me off him,and dragged me by my shirt.I crossed my arms in front of my head,for defense.He was ready to punch me.The only thing that i felt was his hand,taking my hand down by force.

I looked into he's eyes confused,where are the punches??

He slammed me into some lockers,making the kids move from the way..He leaned to my face and said

,, You're a lucky one aren't you?Next time try to touch me and you're dead"He wishpeared into my ear.After that he went back where he had to go.The kids started disparing,they were kinda disappointed that nothing happened,but they were also amazed that he didn't punch me.

I needed to process everything that happened...I felt my self heating up a bit.So i took my books front he floor,and went to the bathroom,to check on me.

I arrived,and went straight to the mirror,i was fine,but i was red all other my fave...Why?don't ask me that .

Seems that my body didn't have any scratches,i landed in Vance,witch means that i had protection under me.Making me okay....

When i looked back at the mirror i saw Finney standing behind me,it made me gasp like hell..

-,,OWH MY FUCKING DAWG DUDE,are you alright???My classmate told me that a fight happened between you and Vance,so i lied that i needed the bathroom....Does it hurt?Where did he hit you!?Do you need a do-"

-,,GOSHHH,Fin,calm down!!!!!!You scared the duck out of me!?I'm alright,as you can see,I'm able to stand on my legs perfectly...."

I explained the situation to Finney,and what happened there..

-,,Wait what?He did what?He spared you???And called you lucky!?Seems like a dream to me?'Said Finney with a confused look....

-,,Don't tell me that,I'm confused just like you,same with the other kids.."

,,-Well damn man,i guess I'ma head back to my class,robin is waiting for me,see yaa"!

-,,Mhmm,RoBin is wAiTing fOr mEi blAh bLah,alright have fun with him see ya"I said with an anoying voice.

,,Oh shut your mouth"Said Fin sarcastically.And then went back to he's class so he wouldn't be cought.Or maybe he just wanted to be with he's best boy:|

I made my way to my class,knowing that i needed to tell my teacher what happened.....He let me go to my sit without detention,as i said,im a good kid here, I'm not late everyday by occasion.So i think he understands..

After school i went home,made my necessary things,as homework,shower,baseball practice etc,and went to sleep!

Ahhh it's 1:33 am in the morning,i need to get my sleep ☹️I'm sorry that this is short,and if this is bad,i promise it'll get better later,I'm just tired rn!And today I'll need prob to wake up early to see Dreams face reveal(if you know what I'm talking about)!!!

Y'all take care and have a good day/night

Hope i did okay?leave y'all opinion pleaseee,i also hope that this will get some views😭 It'll be weird if I'm just talking to my self here.

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