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     Katsuki Bakugou took in the fresh smell of the outdoors. He always knew that the castle air was stuffy. He ran happily towards the grand boats, enjoying the way the salty breeze caught him, the way that the bright, shining sun rained down upon him with just the right amount of heat. 

     The alpha ran with endless energy towards the ships in his formal prince attire. Today was the arrival of some nobles, and his maids and nanny had gotten him ready. What they didn't know was that Katsuki had bolted by the time they came back to get him. Sure, his clothing was a little dirty from the hole in the ground he had dug out of. And sure, his feet were aching in the stiff leather, but it didn't matter as long as Katsuki could feel free. 

     However, young Katsuki Bakugou didn't know what ships meant what. So, he went to the nearest one--unfortunately for him, that was the edge of the ships lined up. The slave trade. Dirty men and women gaped at the pristine prince who ran proudly after a ship. Katsuki stopped right before it, gaping in awe at the craftsmanship. 

     A man walked out of the rusting door--he was missing an eye and his teeth were rotting, and yet he smiled pleasantly as Katsuki rushed up to him. 

     "Oh my!" he shouted in shock. Katsuki could tell that this man was a beta. "Aren't you the crown prince?"

     Katsuki nodded vaguely, despite the man looking like he was about to have a seizure. "Yeah, what do you sell?"

     "I sell slaves, prince," the slave-dealer said with a proud grin. "Have been since I was born. I sell only the best and brightest."

     "Slaves?" Katsuki tilted his head, remembering his mother and father freeing all their palace slaves. 

     The man beamed. "Indeed. Do you wish to purchase one? I have one that catches the eyes of many, but I could show him to you."

     Katsuki nodded. Frankly, the blonde was merely curious. He had never seen a slave in the palace before. 

     "Alright then." The man walked towards the ship once again with the feisty prince following behind. Once on the ship, Katsuki took the sight in with horror written clearly all over his face. Dirty, bone-thin children his age, younger, and older were bound in shackles and chains from their ankles to their hands.

     Katsuki stopped walking, and the dealer noticed. 

     "Ah, I picked these guys up somewhere near the South. They are new, so they aren't quite as stunning. Hurry, I'll show you to my favorite. He's an omega, perfect for someone of your status."

     The alpha prince gulped as he continued to walk, but he was determined not to show any fear. So, he jut his chin up and walked still. 

     Opening an old, wooden door, the dealer smiled at him as he ushered Katsuki inside. 

     There, Katsuki blinked a few times to adjust his vision. The room was dark and smelled old, like it wasn't used often and cleaned even less. 

     "1013," the man announced as he opened the door wider, showering the room with more light. Katsuki caught a glimpse of him--the beautiful slave. He was thin and tiny, but he looked around Katsuki's age. With round, doe eyes and dark curly hair. He surely was a beauty. Yet Katsuki found it weird that he couldn't smell him. If the dealer hadn't told him that he was an omega, Katsuki would have never guessed. All the omegas that Katsuki had met previously always smelled potent and strong, but this one...just didn't. 

     "Like I said," the dealer boomed, and the boy flinched back, trying to cover himself with the remaining darkness. His hands were bound over his head, and the chains didn't stop there. Feet and neck, just like the others, but these were tighter--even against the thinning boy. "This one catches the eyes of many, but I'll be sure to keep him for ya, prince."

     The man spit at the ground, obviously showing his pride. "A perfect doll. He never misbehaves. Such a sweet doll, good at labor, too. Works hard and fast. Perfect, really. He never dares to screw around like some of the others."

     He continued. "A rarity really. I'll sell him to ya for..." he scratched his chin, in deep thought. "Five thousand. No more, no less."

     "I don't have any money on me though," Katsuki said, frowning. He wanted so desperately to free all of these slaves, but he didn't have that kind of money yet--for now, his parents did. 

     The man gave a bellowing laugh, and Katsuki saw the boy flinch again. "Alright prince. I'll make you a deal," he said. "How about I save him for you? It'll cost you more though." He only saw a good bargain now. "Heck, I could even teach him some etiquette for you, hmm?"

     Katsuki nodded. "Okay."

     "You making a claim, prince?" the dealer said, and his red eyes shined brightly with something Katsuki couldn't tell. "A claim cannot be broken. The money won't be cheap."

     He nodded once again eagerly. "Yes. I make a claim."

     The man smiled, rotten teeth on full display. A red mist slowly began to envelop the short man, and Katsuki, in turn was covered with a golden one. The full power of a claim. 

     "Come here, doll," he said to the omega, and grabbed at one of his writs, making him cry out because it was still bound. The man sighed as he took a key from his coat and pulled on the delicate wrist towards the prince. The red mist surrounded the omega soon enough. 

     "Careful, prince," the man warned, but it sounded like he was teasing, provoking. "Mana like this will be impossible to break."

     The boy fell in the trap almost instantly. "Just let him shake my hand, old man."

     The dealer smiled as he made the omega clasp the other's firm hand. A black ink climbed onto their arms, until it stopped at their shoulders. Each having a moon-like mark. The mist that surrounded them disappeared, but the claim was done. Now nothing could break it. 

     "I'll give you some time to view your product: 1013. Good having business with you, prince," the dealer said as he chained the omega back and walked out the door, keeping it open. "Oh, and you can call me Kuro."

     Once he was gone, Katsuki whipped his head towards the sounds of chains shaking. 

     "Why would you do that?" came the small, timid voice. From the angle, all Katsuki could see was the boy's right side.

     "Because I want to buy you," Katsuki said then quickly corrected himself. "No, I want to free you."

     "What?" the boy seemed surprised. "Why free me?"

     "Because I want to," came the five-year-old answer. 

     The boy's eyes flitted down towards the ground. "I have already been claimed before. They took me back because I didn't fit their needs. Kuro lies to you. He just wishes to get rid of me."

     "Well, then, it worked," Katsuki said proudly, and once again, green eyes found carmine. "Because I want you. When I get the money to buy you, I will."

     Katsuki said it with so much conviction and determination, that the green-haired boy's eyes widened. 

     "I promise I'll free you."


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