Chapter 3

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Dinner was to be held in the grand dining hall in around four hours. Katsuki knew that he didn't have much time, so his mind raced miles per hour as she rushed towards his bedroom, hearing the timid footsteps of the omega behind him. 

"Okay. The house and the job will still be under my name. But it'll wait until I find a way to unbind those chains of yours. Then, it's all yours and the plan that I had for you will finally be reality. Until then... Just stay with me, yeah?" He finally turned around and saw that the slave nodded, a determined spark in his eyes. 

"I have to choose a bride by tomorrow morning, and tonight, there are performances," he explained, and he received another mute nod. 

Once they reached his room, the blonde immediately opened the door for the other to enter. Said other looked shocked at the prospect of being invited in so quickly, but nonetheless walked in through the door with a tight expression.

Katsuki dug around in his closet, something that his maids would do for him often, to find something suitable for the slave to wear, for, as of right now, his status as a slave was quite obvious because of his garments. 

Looking over at the omega, the blonde guessed that he could probably fit into most of his tighter clothing. It wasn't like the omega looked frail or small, just thin, but there was definitely some height and muscle in him. 

He found some clothing, simple but elegant, that was a bit too small for the prince, and handed them over to the patient omega. 

"Here, change into these for now. You'll probably change again when dinner comes around." Dark, emerald eyes looked back to face sharp, carmine ones. The eyes held suspicion, curiosity, and shock. Like he had never been given a change of clothing. Like he had never been offered into a room. 

"What?" Katsuki barked ever so elegantly when the omega didn't break his capturing stare. At his shout, the man flinched, moving towards the open bathroom door to change. 

When the door clicked with an audible click, the blonde sat down on his bed, feeling the light ocean breeze file in through the open window. The light curtains lifting up to reveal the beautiful scene outside. His original plan was not to be discarded. He would use it once the shackles were off, but for now... 

The door opened, and by instinct, he looked towards the source of the noise, and even with plain-looking clothing--a simple beige shirt with embroidery and matching pants--the omega looked beautiful. 

"Is it comfortable?" the blonde asked, but his gaze lingered on the heavy-looking collar on his neck. 

The greenette nodded. "Yes, thank you." 

He eventually followed his gaze. "Don't worry about it too much, Your Majesty. It isn't anything I'm not used to." When he noticed that Katsuki didn't react, he continued softly, "In fact, it really is comfortable enough. I'm just grateful you haven't leashed me yet."

That seemed to get the blonde's attention. Who in their right mind would treat someone like that? As if they were a pet, rather than a human? 

He cleared his throat, trying to focus. "Well, I've thought of a plan suitable enough for you until I am able to get those off of you." He met the omega's eyes. "You are to be treated as my personal servant. You won't get paid, obviously, since you can't legally hold an occupation yet, but... It's the best I can think of for now."

The omega just nodded slowly, as if taking in the information.

"And until dinner... you can do whatever, I guess," Katsuki mumbled off, falling over onto his bed. He felt a headache start to form. First, his plan for freeing the slave didn't work. Now, he needed to find a way to get those chains off, and he had to deal with his mother and her great plan to get her son married. He didn't want a slave. Never did, but he also couldn't just take the greenette back, nor could he just leave him. No, technically, he was under his care, and Katsuki never gave up at anything--he wasn't going to start now. 

He closed his eyes, trying to think when he heard a sudden startled cry,


Katsuki sat up straight again--granted, sluggishly--sighing but not opening his eyes. "Yes, anything." When he didn't hear anything, he peeled open his eyes, looking at the startled omega. "You know, like, wander around the castle, or go to the garden or library. You know, anything. Heck, you can even go through the town square. I have some spare coins on my writing desk. You don't even have to show up for the dinner. Just... do whatever."

"W-What?" Izuku cried out, voice cracking. "Are-Are you serious?"

The blonde sighed, falling back over. He grunted in affirmation, but that was all Izuku got. The greenette stared at him for an odd couple of minutes before he heard snoring.

Izuku sighed. This prince truly was something else. He tried to free him, give him his own home, and now... He wills him to do anything that pleases him? After a few more minutes, the omega just sat where he once stood, not sure how to act in situations like these. He didn't really know what boundaries the man in front of him had. Does he really want him doing anything he wants? Or is he just saying that to be kind? 

Or maybe it was a way for him to kindly tell Izuku to get out of his room? Izuku gulped as he stood back up, opening the door of the blonde's bedroom and closing it softly behind him. He stood outside the room now. It was odd, but he sat right back down next to the doorway. He didn't want to stray far. It was a big castle--at least, from the outside it looked like one--and he didn't want to get lost. 

Sighing, he tucked his knees into himself. There was one more thing bothering him. He was able to feel the prince's pheromones. He hadn't been able to do that in years. It was so bizarre, but he couldn't even deny it. The prince's scent was everywhere, and Izuku could smell it. He sighed. 

How fascinating this Katsuki Bakugou was.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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