Chapter 1

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The sun shone through the glass window, and the thin curtains did nothing to cover it up. The plant on the windowsill still grew faithfully strong, even though Katsuki didn't recall feeding it in a while.

Red eyes peered longingly towards the ships gathering on the dock. It was the day--the same day every year, but Katsuki had finally saved enough for him. The price had increased significantly--going from five thousand to close to a million over. It had been twenty years, after all, but his determination never faltered. And he knew that once he got this one, he could get all of them, finally freeing them from their horrid eternal damnation. 

A solid knock on the door. 

"What is it, Mother?" he grumbled. He remembered as a kid he would call his mother an--if he remembered correctly, that it is--'Old Hag,' however, that name died off as he grew older. His mother called it a boundary that he could no longer cross since he was going to become the next king of the land in a matter of months. 

"Katsuki, don't forget the nobles are here for you to choose a wife. It's today at noon--which is in a few hours. Do not be tardy," she said strictly before Katsuki heard her expensive heels clacking away down the halls. 

The alpha sighed. A consort, perfect. 

Nevertheless, the blonde didn't hesitate going towards the balcony. His room was located on the West wing of the palace, but it wasn't high off up the ground. In fact, it was close enough that Katsuki was able to jump from the balcony to the ground without breaking a sweat. So he did just that. Sure, he was still in formal attire--just like he was so many years ago, but it didn't change anything. 

Ah, how some things never changed. 

He raced towards the docks, still feeling that fresh air. He enjoyed the freedom, even if he knew of the dangers now. He walked up towards the familiar boat with a gleam in his eyes. His satchel clinking with coins. The dark ink on his shoulder urged him farther and farther. His claim, even after all these years, never ceased to remind him of the small dark-haired boy. Katsuki recalled that his eye color was green, but his hair was dark--that was all he could remember. Thin bones, and tighter chains. 

He hasn't seen him in so very long. The last time he recalls was when he was nine, but since then, Kuro had reassured him that he was just getting the little omega trained for such a high noble. 

The alpha prince stopped in front of the grand ship like he had done for so many years. And he waited only a few seconds before Kuro stepped out of that rusting door once again. 

"Ah, my boy," he wheezed. His teeth were not getting any better--as his health was declining. Still, he smiled selfishly. "Let me present you to your new slave, 1013."

As he finished his sentence, the door opened once again, and this time, Katsuki's breath was taken away. 

There he was in all his glory, beautiful and standing strong. Heavy chains still remained on his wrists and ankles, along with his neck, however, he was clothed with shimmering fabric--and a thin mask was placed over his nose and mouth. It hung loose with beads decorating his pants and top. He truly was a beauty, yet when Katsuki looked at his eyes, he saw nothing but suspicion and a fierceness he hadn't seen before. 

"1013," he said, and his voice was calm and sweet. Once again, Katsuki was shocked at just how much he couldn't smell from him. No scent. No nothing. "Claimed by Katsuki Bakugou one score ago."

Kuro smiled. "He was trained well, and he was tested for his fertility quite a bit ago. High results, my old friend. Perfect for such a noble."

The blonde scrunched his nose at the last part. Nonetheless, he walked over to the exotic slave. Up close, his eyes looked even more mesmerizing, and it was only then that Katsuki noticed that his hair color matched them perfectly. An emerald green. 

Yet the omega slave didn't bow nor submit--he kept his head up high, chin jutted. 

Kuro coughed noticeably, "1013." It was a warning, and the greenette sighed before lowering his head in an act to please. 

"He's all yours," the dealer added as he counted his money. "The chains will come off at your command. A little bit of mana, and boom. But only your mana can control them now. Whether it be to tighten or to release is up to you."

Katsuki could only nod, never letting go of his eye contact with the omega in front of him. 

"You got a name?" he asked, and he hated how breathless he sounded. The omega seemed to notice, but he only spared a small, amused smile. 

"1013," he replied. "Is my one and only name. You may change it if it doesn't please you."

"What name would please you, then?" The question seemed to take the man aback, and he only hesitated for a moment before he replied with a quiet, 


"Alright then, Izuku. I free you."

That seemed to stop the rusting crowds immediately, and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Kuro's jaw drop. 

"Wh-What?" the omega took a step backwards, clearly shocked to the absolute core. "F-Free me? Right now? What? Why?"

Katsuki didn't answer. "I have a house, one near the palace that would suit to your needs. You could work at the palace until you find yourself wanting to pursue something else."

Katsuki saw the chains still bound on the slave's wrist before grabbing them gently, willing them to release. But they didn't drop.

He turned back to the slave-dealer with a glare. "Why aren't these releasing?"

Kuro was clever enough to hide his money behind him. "Well, you see, Your Majesty. Let me explain. I didn't know, or assume, that your intentions were to free him so...immediately. The chains will not come off until..."

"Until what?" Not Katsuki was frustrated. His perfect plan was ruined. All he wanted to do was free the slave, go back to the palace, and pretend that he didn't just sneak out and meet with some lousy consort candidates. 

"He is bred," Kuro murmured. "I didn't realize that your intentions were to free the slave, considering the amount of payment you took on..."

Katsuki smacked his forehead with an audible slap, and he sighed. Of course this would happen. As he grew older, he saw the social barriers between difference statuses and secondary genders. No matter how kind an omega was, or how talented they were, they never rose in society. 

"Are you kidding me?" He grit his teeth, and he saw the slave in front of him drop his gaze--like his hope was crushed into a thousand pieces, now forgotten once again. 

Katsuki sighed. "Come. I might as well show you to your new home in any matter." 

That seemed to brighten him up once more. Perhaps the chains were something he could get used to? No, that wouldn't work. He would find a way without... Katsuki didn't even think about it. This poor omega had probably been put through enough already--there was no reason to add such a thing on the list. 

As they walked away, Kuro saw the way the chains grew tighter on the slave's poor ankles and wrists--along with his neck. The small gaps closing ever so slowly. He gulped. He didn't want to lose his money though. There was no need to tell them about the chains growing tighter until they closed completely by the end of the year. 

Perhaps he should not have bought those chains. What? They had been cheap! It was a good bargain. 

The couple walked towards the palace, not knowing of the weeks ahead of them. 

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