The games part 1/???

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I woke up to someone people yelling my name, I didn't really care though I am just glad that I can be with someone especially today. Today was the day they choose who is going to be in The game, I just pray my name isn't called the horrid people who started this game normally aim for people who are rich or have family members who have won the game in the past 3 years in my case I have both

Both my parents won and got a whopping 4.5 thousand but they already had the winnings from other generations. But, if I am chosen to join this psychotic game I'll be glad I took up a spot instead of some kid who has a family and friends to lose, my parents both are passed of "unexplained
Circumstances" I'm popular but Dustin and Robin are my only real friends.

"STEVE!" I hear them yell again

"ONE SECOND!" I yell back getting out of bed pushing the hair out of my face I walk to my closet and grab a basic light blue t shirt, jeans and a grey jacket. I put in all the clothes and start doing my hair. Eventually I think my hair looks good enough and I walk down the stairs to see my to best friends Dustin and Robin standing in my living room.

"You ready to watch this dumb thing?" Robin asks with a dull voice

"As I'll ever be" I say

"You better not get chosen" Dustin says darkly

"You know I can't control it but I will try" I say smiling and ruffling his hair

We all walk to the couch as the tv starts counting down I sit on the side of the couch I try to calm down my nerves there is plenty of rich kids they can choose from there is only a small chance I get picked, I watch 34, 33, 32, 31.. my hands start sweating I clutch the couch tighter 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, my eyes can't leave the screen 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, I start breathing faster 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, I feel Dustin reach over and grab my hand 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..

The screen goes black for a few seconds and the screen shows a boy he has long blond hair and a mustache fairly muscular he looks at the screen shocked next to him shows a girl she has red hair and has a hand over her mouth besides the live video of them and his family reacting it says Billy Hargrove 18 male and Max mayfield 15 Female. I know the guy. He goes to my school he is the most popular kid in school well besides me, I hear a another girl crying in the background the little girl seems frozen, eventually it moves on the the next person.

The screen shows a long black haired boy he's pretty pale and he has a whole other reaction then the last people he glares at the camera I already acknowledged I like guys and he looks very attractive if he wasn't going to die soon I would probably date him. He takes a puff of something I can't tell what though, besides his live reaction it says Eddie Munson 20 male.

The screen goes black again and it shows a girl this time. I instantly recognized her as Nancy Wheeler my ex girlfriend. She starts crying and you can hear male and female sobs next to her.
The video pans out more and it shows her now boyfriend Jonathan Byers I guess both where chosen, he is on the verge of tears even though he's dating my ex and I think he's a total creep but I feel bad for the guy he has a family a brother Will Byers a mom Joyce Byers and dad Jim Hopper. I know Nancy has all those things even though I hate her I feel bad.

The screen shows again the next victim well victims I guess I don't have to worry about their sibling because they will be with them in the arena both Will Byers and Mike Wheeler where chosen next..poor kids only 15 years old I imagined Dustin in that place sitting there crying I know why the people who control the game have been choosing people in pairs or groups more often then people just alone because they think people will do anything they can to protect the people they love

So that makes them weaker because they will do everything to help those people.
After awhile I start calming down there is only a few spots left maybe I can make it without getting picked the next few people are three girls a girl named Jane 15 a girl named Vicky 18 and a girl named Angela 16 four boys a boy named Lucas 15 a boy named Jason 18 a boy named Patrick 18 and a boy named Carlos 16 two more girls a girl named Chrissy 18 and a girl named Lisa where chosen, five spots left. The screen pans out so there is enough for 3 people then I see me Dustin and Robin all on the screen it lists our names ages and genders I stare at the screen in disbelief I hear crying next to me dustin who was already crying because so far all his friends where chosen starts sobbing more he hugs me

My face softens a small bit at the feeling of my friends embracing me and each other my jaw starts to tighten my friend might die because of these dumb games, dumb people controlling it, dumb people who invented it. The anger inside me boils and I don't even realize I'm flipping of the camera Robin notices and yells

"DINGUS STOP " she forces my hands down.

"They will make your life easier if you go along with all this bullshit that's how your grandparents won right?" She says angrily tears still falling from her eyes

"I'm not my fucking grandparents Robin I don't need help from those Psychos!" I say I turn my focus to the tv it's still on us watching letting everyone know and hear our conversation I turn back to her

"Besides my parents won by killing everyone in the arena without any help I can just do that " I say calmly I hope the tv caught all that I want to intimidate the other contestants

I think Robin understood that nothing she said would make me change my mind about how what I did was wrong Dustin sobs into my chest about how he won't win I rub his back in hopes to calm him down

"I won't win Steve I won't" he says into my chest

I force his head to look at me "Hey Hey Henderson it's okay you will win I will make sure you win so long as I'm alive you will be Alive standing with me and so will Robin I say giving him a reassuring smile I glance back at the tv god why does this thing love watching us I stare directly at it and say "move the fuck on the the next victims dipshit" a few seconds after I say that it moves to a different boy named Argyle he just looked at the tv and said "heh nice" then moved on like nothing happened while the goth girl he was with gasped loudly

The tv went black and words started appearing "contestants will be retrieved tomorrow morning fail or fight back against the retrievers in any way you and your family will be killed on sight" The tv then turned off.

That whole night we stayed up eating as much as we could and talking about anything we wanted for hours Dustin and Robin spent a bit of time talking to family and friends, I know we should have been sleeping because we might not be able to sleep for 8 hours after tomorrow.

1379 words god-
Please tell me if you guys like this or whatever or whoever you want me to add :)

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