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Kyle's POV

It's been five hours since I've texted Harper. I didn't think much of it, considering she did need to get her mind off of Will. She would come into my room every morning and tell me about the dreams she would have with him in them. He'd always come out of nowhere, she says. It could be her dreaming of clowns chasing her, then there's Will on the side lines. I don't understand how she could be thinking or dreaming someone she had just met. It doesn't make sense to me. However, that same someone had also had something similiar going on. He would think about her constantly, but he would push the thoughts away. I know the man's past relationship was not the best. I know where he's coming from, but if it were me in his shoes, I wouldn't be ignoring the girl I find attractive. And sweet. And funny.

I got snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ring on the coffee table. I look down at the contact and it's the man himself. I sigh and pick up my device. Clicking answer, I pulled the phone up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey. Are you free to talk? Is Harper home yet?" Will asked. I let out another sigh and get off my spot on the couch. Walking around the flat, opening and closing every door there is. I check each and every room to see if my best friend came home, but she hasn't. It was worrying me.

"No, she's not home. Why?" I answer him. There was silence on the other line. It wasn't a comfortable or soft silence. It was harsh and tense. I hear a thump and I couldn't hear anyone talking. "Hello? Will?" I say, trying to get his attention. Nothing. Sitting there, waiting for someone to say something, I put my phone on speaker and place it next to me on the couch.

"He went to check Harper's office-" A voice began to say before stopping. I could hear footsteps coming close and a phone getting lifted up.

"We're gonna go look for her. I'll text you when we find her." Is all Will said before hanging up the phone. My heart to began to beat rapidly. I couldn't just sit around and not help them. Running to my room to put on some shoes and a coat, I rushed my way out of the apartment. I walked along the streets of Brighton, hoping to spot her at one of her usual stops. Most of the shops are closed and the one I was looking for was turning it's sign to 'close.' Shit. I turn on my heels and go the opposite direction. She hasn't been in this country that long. What the hell was she thinking wondering off? God, I sound like my mother.

As the search continued, I looked inbetween alleys, restaurants, stores, but nothing. I could not find her. I kept walking and ended up at the pier. Maybe she found her way here. Walking on the wooden planks below me, I looked out on the beach, which wasn't very helpful because the sun was setting and I couldn't see jack shit.

"Kyle!" I hear a voice yell at me. When I turned my head, I saw Will and Tommy coming towards me. I run up to them and meet them in front of one of the closed shops. "Have you guys seen her at all? Have you talked to her?" I asked them.

"We saw her at the arcade earlier. I talked to her outside for a few minutes and then she walked away." Wilbur responsed. I didn't know they saw her earlier. So she did manage to find her way here. I cross my arms and look around at where were standing. I try to think of where else she could have gone.

"Will, do you have any idea where she is?" I ask him. His eyes widened after a few moments and began speed walking past us. Tommy and I followed him down the pier. He took a left, getting off of the wooden floor and sped up his pace even more. It was difficult keeping up with him. Within the next ten minutes, we made it outside of a pub. Will walked in and looked around. "Will, what's wrong?"

"I told her I use to play here when we first talked. This is how I got my start. She told me she adored that." He replies. Now it was my time for my eyes to widen. I turn to look at Tommy, but he wasn't there. I walked back outside and saw him standing there.

"I can't go in there. I'm underage, Kyle." He tells me. I roll my eyes and grab his wrist. I dragged him inside and had him stand next me. Will was no where to be seen and I have no idea where I am. I've never been here before. Gazing around the bar, I spot a stage in the corner. Someone was playing their guitar and many people were standing around them. I held Tommy's hand and began walking over to the crowd when someone else was handed the guitar: Harper.

"Hi, I'm Harper. This is a song I've written, so be nice." She says in the microphone. The strap of the guitar was place on her shoulder as she sat on the stool. I frozen in my spot and watched as she strummed the guitar to find the right key. When she did, hums entered the microphone.

"Out of touch with my feelings
I can't help it if I'm happy or sad
Today I cried for no reason
Made me feel like a pyschopath
I should hate you cause I loved you
You should hate yourself for treating me like that
We both know you only love you
Did you know they have a name for that?"

"Narcissist." I say, looking over at Tommy.

"What?" I hear someone ask behind me. Will appeared next me, staring at my best friend on the stage.

"The song is called Narcissist. She wrote it about Andrew." I tell him before focusing back on to Harper. I watched as she strummed the guitar and focus on her thoughts. A glistened tear was trailing down her face. Oh, Harp.

"My parents don't like you
Why would they want to?
After they found me crying on the bathroom floor
I don't even like me anymore
'Cause you say that I'm crazy
You say that you''re sorry
Won't happen again
You say I'm dramatic
I'm overreacting"

I glance over at Wilbur. It's as if he's mesmerized by the song she was playing. I notice a tear threatening to spill from his eye, so I wiped it for him. He sent me a quick look and went back to focusing on Harper. I look over at Tom and he was already look at me. Admiration he mouths to me. I smile and nod at him. The crowd around us was cheering once the song was finished. I look over to say something to Will, but he's gone. Nowhere in sight.

"Where the hell did he go?"

𝕤𝕒𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 | wilbur soot x !oc femaleWhere stories live. Discover now