Chapter 12-Pure Hearts and Innocence

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**********Wasssupp???? It's me!! So here is the next chapter!! I hope you guys like it and you guys always tell me you do, so I guess I'll believe you. ;) Comment, vote, fan. I'll sing a Whitney Houston song for you.

I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU( IF YOU FAN ME)!!!!!!! Hahahaha ignore my stupidity.

Here's the story!!!


I smiled deviously, giving them both a once over. Honestly, I wasn't angry for the blow delivered to my face.

I wasn't angry that this boy and this bloodthirsty man had kidnapped me and we're probably going to do very unpleasant things to me if they had wanted to.

This was about being a ninja.

Naturally, my pride didn't take it too kindly when I was taken down in a cowardly manner. I don't usually like playing dirty by using the mental connection formed with people who fell under my jutsu.

But if it was necessary.....

Not even things such as humanity stopped me.

I wasn't a cruel person. In fact, I was what people described fair. Polite. Pleasant. Calm. Acceptant. Tolerant.

They just never called me nice.

Because "nice" never had anything to do with me.

And I guess some people in this world must be shown that.

"The tables sure have turned," I said, watching intently as I saw Zabuza struggle to break whatever he was under, as if it was rope. It wasn't. It was unbreakable, unable to be rid of.

I walked toward Zabuza, tilting his head up so his eyes could meet mine. Anger outlined every single line on his face. I smirked as I planted my lips onto his. He couldn't move as I did so since I didn't allow him. It pissed him off though.

I had now officially reestablished my control over him. He growled at me through his teeth. I narrowed my eyes and said one word.


He kneeled slowly, his legs trembling with effort to stop. But no one could resist it. It was at first just a gentle tingling, but then a forceful shove until it felt like you're very soul was being ripped out and shredded. He had to obey.

I walked up to him and did the same he had done to me.

Except with more intent.

My fist slammed onto his jaw, his head snapping of the side as a ferocious growl escaped his mouth.

"Whatever comes around goes around," I teased darkly. I saw the boy next to him struggle. I walked up to the boy and looked at him. He suddenly stopped struggling.

"Get her," Zabuza growled at the boy. I raised an eyebrow. Didn't he know that he was under my control?

The mind connection was unbreakable, unbeatable, and unstoppable.

Except for one condition.

Of course, everything has its weakness. This mind connection where I commanded his moves had a weakness. And it was only for certain people that were rarely found in this world.

Those with a pure heart.

Which is why I didn't expect the boy to suddenly stand up and attack me, pinning me to the ground. I struggled and squirmed. I had let my guard down.

I did not let go of the connection with Zabuza, keeping my concentration pinned on him.

"Release him," the boy hissed in my ear, a pleading tone detected in his voice. I glared at him.

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