Chapter 2

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Peter Burke's car, upstate New York. Thursday morning. March 17, 2005.

Peter and Elizabeth Burke sat in the front seat of the car, with Angela sandwiched between Henry and Neal in the back seat. Having picked Henry up at the airport, the plan was to drop the cousins at the Burke family cabin, and then Peter and El would continue to Albany to spend a couple of days with Peter's parents. They'd return Sunday evening for the trip back to New York City.

Neal was pleasantly surprised at Henry's peaceful acquiescence to the spring break plans. Sure, he'd complained a bit when Neal first made it clear that he was in charge this year, but ever since then Henry had gone along.

It had been easy.

Too easy?

Neal pondered that while the others described the cabin to Angela. They were telling her how Peter's father and uncles had purchased the cabin decades ago, for their families to share. These days Peter's mother Betty kept the schedule of who was using the cabin when.

Earlier this month, Neal had called El to learn how to reserve the cabin. If it had been booked, he'd have looked into one of the Catskill resorts instead, but that would have put a strain on his budget. El had put him in touch with Betty.

During a pause in the conversation in the car, Neal said, "When I called Betty, she mentioned how lucky it was that no one was using the cabin this week. She said it tends to be in high demand over spring break, but this year everyone had made plans elsewhere."

"You're right," said Peter. "Usually one of my cousins books the cabin for spring break. I guess their kids are getting to the age where they want to do something on their own, instead of a family vacation."

Elizabeth immediately jumped in with a reminder to her husband about needing to stop at the grocery store on the way. She looked a little flustered.


Normally he left conspiracy theories to Mozzie, but this time Neal believed something was up. Someone was manipulating things behind the scenes. And Henry was the master manipulator.

When they stopped at the grocery store, El and Angela were eager to go inside and pick out food for the cabin, and Henry insisted he needed to have a say.

Neal pulled Peter aside before they followed the others into the store. "When you get to your parents' house, would you ask Betty how long ago Henry asked her to reserve the cabin?"

Peter frowned. "I thought you called to make the reservation."

"I did, but I'm starting to think we've been bamboozled. If I'm right, Henry started working with Betty and Elizabeth to plan a trip up here before the idea ever occurred to me."

"You think he manipulated you into coming here?"

"He'd probably say he anticipated me. I'll work on getting the truth out of him over the next few days. It's possible Angela was an accomplice, and she might give him away. If you look into it while you're in Albany, we can compare notes."

Peter agreed, and then they joined the group inside. Henry was advocating stocking up on hot dogs and marshmallows and cooking all meals over a campfire, but Neal sided with Angela on healthier options. As long as they promised Henry didn't have to cook, he gave in to most of their preferences with minimal grumbling.

The remaining area of dispute was over the cabbage. "It's St. Patrick's Day," Angela insisted, gesturing toward her green blouse. "We're Irish. It's traditional. It's the least you can do. I mean, look at you. Blue jeans and red sweatshirt." Imitating their grandfather's occasional brogue she added, "You're not even making an effort. Shameful."

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