March 11, 1961

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11th of March, 1961
I'm still in Florence but I will have left soon. Don't come looking for me, I will find you. They are close in my trail and they are closing in. I know that Archimedes was risky but it had to be done. And I'm sorry we were split up but it was for the best. We attract enough attention on our own, but together, they would have had us in days. I know that you don't completely understand but trust me. Its for the best.
The other day, I had a run in with a raven hunter. They didn't realise I wasn't human right away, but it didn't take long. I lost them after a little while but I can't stay here much longer. There's only so long a girl can go unnoticed with fox ears and a goddamned tail. But, as I was saying, they know about Archimedes and they are trying to destroy it, or capture it, I'm not really sure. But what ever it is, I don't think it's with peaceful intentions.
My aura is running full again and I'm sure yours is too. It's doing this thing where every now and then a light show will happen in my hands, it looks kind of like a galaxy but it's warm, I'm not entirely sure what it does, or if it does anything but I'm scared. And I know that there are lots of things that I could be scared of and this is a pretty silly one but its a weird difference.
Anyway, I have to keep this brief. I'll meet you at all the tree in Michigan on the 8th.
Love always,

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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