Chapter 12.

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As we start to drive off to the pumpkin patch. My stomach starts to hurt as I'm laying down in the Pasteur seat joon is sound asleep . And jk is just driving and listening to music." I start to rub my stomach and really hoping I don t get sick then "

"Babe are you ok your rubbing your stomach' does it hurt! Jk says " yeah it hurts I think I ate too much I'm just trying to relax and trying to not get sick " awwww my poor baby if you feel like your going to be sick just tell me so I can pull over . Jk says " I say ok as jk puts his hand on my stomach to rub it . As he's rubbing my stomach his hand is so warm and soft I start to fall asleep "
"As I'm driving I look to my right to see my beautiful sleeping wife . As I'm stop at a stop light I turn back to look at the cute little sleeping baby in his little car seat then I start to get on the highway . I'm just so happy I'm going to be a dad and i just love him so much and our little baby . As I'm still driving we are about a hour away tae is starting to move in his sleep I start to rub his belly again just in case it's hurting again .

"I ask him babe you ok " he replied saying no as he lifts his seat back up and he says jungkook pull over im feeling nauseous " oh ok but we are on the highway there is nothing for me to pull over. He than say's just pull over as tae starts to gag

I pull over to the side of the highway as tae opens his door and is trying to throw up. "I then say baby let it all out you will feel better " . "I can't i feel like I have to but I can t " hmmm maybe try to think of something like eggs or coffee " . As I say that tae then starts throwing up
Once he's gets back in the car I tell him baby next time we  don t eat so much so you won t get sick . Ok then we hear a cry coming for joon he's starting to cry .I turn back to comfort him but nothing working

"we are finally at the pumpkin patch and jk stops the car I get out of the car and go to the back and he probably needs his diaper changed so I get out his new diaper and lay him down in the backseat and start to change him "while I'm doing that jk is getting the stroller out once I'm done changing him I put back on his cute little outfit and put him in the stroller and send a picture to Jin

Texting jin 💬

Taehyung. Hi jin me and jungkook finally made
it to the pumpkin patch with joon here's a picture

Jin ok awww my baby looks adorable I miss him can t wait to see him later and Thank you so much tae we owe you ❤️

Taehyung. You're welcome jin he's been really good he slept the whole way here and he had a blowout at the restaurant but it wasn't too bad now he is all clean

Jin. Ok well I will see y'all later have fun take a lot of pictures and take care of my baby ❤️

Taehyung. We will have fun too

" As we get everything out of the car I have to pee really bad jungkook I have to go to the restroom I will be back " ok I can come with you jk says "
Ok after the restroom I walk up to the lady selling pumpkins . Hi miss how much are the pumpkins. Oh they are all 15$ . Ok thank you miss I then sit down by one of the pumpkins and I tell jungkook to hand me joon and take a picture of us "then someone next to us ask do y'all want a picture ". ok thank you so much miss jk says .no problem I bet y'all are excited for the baby . Yes we can t wait . As Jungkook picks up joon I get up .
we take a few more pictures then we walk over to the food and drinks and we pass by a pumpkin/soju drink and jungkook is getting a taste of it but it's making my stomach hurt I put my hand over my mouth jungkook turns to me asking if I feel sick! I "say no it's just hurting my stomach "he nods then I pick up joon to take him to look at everything and he sees a tiny pumpkin he likes he picks it up and holds it I then walk back to jungkook .

"Jungkook joon wants that pumpkin showing him " . "And laughs that's so cute it's so tiny like him ".i know right . 1 hour later me and jk are just walking around and joon is asleep on my chest we just fed him before he went to sleep then I tell jk "hey jk think we should get going joon's asleep and I'm getting kinda tired ". Your right tae let's go . We get to the car I put joon in his car seat and I decided to sit back there with joon as jungkook drives I then fall asleep

The pumpkin patch was so fun we all had a good time both of them are now sleeping lucky it's not to far from the house I actually felt like we were a family and tae looks so beautiful with his bump I'm just so happy he's in my life

"We finally get home I wake up tae and he's so sleepy i get joon out of the car and put the car seat in the stroller and carry tae on my back I put joon in our room and I lay tae down in our bed I put him in my over size shirt and turn off the lights as I take joon out of his car seat and carry I make him a bottle and feed him and sit on the couch "

I hear we are home it's Jin . They see me on the couch." Omg my baby I missed him so much jk you look like a dad .where's tae and how was joon . "Oh he is asleep in our room and joon was so good he only got fussy when he needed to be changed or fed other then that he was so good " . That's good once again thank you so much me and namjoon are so thankful. "Yeah thank you so much jungkook your going to be amazing dad namjoon says " you're welcome plus he's just so cute here you go jin as I hand jin joon . Awwww my baby I missed you where's jimin yoongi or Hobi? . "Oh they are all asleep but good night I'm kinda tired "that's ok we'll good night jk thanks tho

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