5 | heaven's cloud

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Half of the sky is a blue galaxy
And the rest is glowing with the sunset
Every day the miracles continue eternally
Here it's always me and you on a summer night

"So? How was ur dateeee?", Yuri pokes me in the cheek.
"Lovely.", I simply smile.
"But he's not really that kind of guy I'm looking for.", I shrug and take the cup of the coffee.
"Oh.", she seems disappointed. "That's sad. I mean you could at least let him fuc-"
"Oh my god.", I put my hand on her mouth. "Yuri!"
"What?", she muffled through my hand.
"No!", i said loudly. "I don't want that."

Yuri didn't talked about that topic for the rest of the day, luckily.
I sigh.
Yuri can be annoying, but I love her.
And my ex-boyfriend haven't talked any word to me. I'm glad. He's the last person I wanna talk to.

"Sooo, what are your plans for today?", Sam sits crossed-leged in front of me.
"I need to prepare for the shoot on Monday. You know. Read the script and that kind of stuff.", I look at my phone and see that I got a voicemail. From a number I didn't know. "Mh"
"What?", Sam looks up from his phone.
"I don't know. Got a voicemail from a number I don't know.", I show him my phone.
"Maybe you should check it and call back if it's important.", he shrugs.
"Yeah, maybe.", I get up and take my bag. "See you later."
He smiles. "Yeah.
On my way out of the building I listen to the voicemail.
"Mister Jeon? Here is Mister Han. I've a question for you. Can you call me back when you have time? Thank you."
I look at my phone, obviously confused. What kind of question?
I tip on the phone symbol and call him back.
"Hello? Mister Han here."
"Yeah hello. Here is Mister Jeon, you wanted to talk to me.", I say still confused.
"Ahhh, Mister Jeon.", he laughs. "Do you have time to come to the entertainment?"
"I have my last performance for this season this afternoon. I can come afterwards if that's okay for you?", I look around.
"Yeah! That's totally fine. Come to the entertainment when you are free, okay?", he hangs up.
"What the...", I scratch my head and put my phone.
"Well, isn't that Wonwoo?", I freeze. "Where are your little friends?"
"What do you want, Ryujin?", I frown and turn around to look him.
"Just talk.", he has pretty straight face.
Something is up.
"Than go for it. Talk.", I cross my arms.
"Listen, I did know that you work here, but I didn't know I would work with you.", he takes a deep breath in. "The thing is that I want the main role in the next season, I know you want it, too. I don't want you to be angry with me, if I get the role and won't be angry with you, I you get the role. It's not your or mine fault, sunbaemin decides who gets the role."
I just look at him.
"I know you are good, pretty good actually. I mean we dated a long time. But I know that I'm good, too.", he puts his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. "I'm actually sorry what I did to you. I don't wanna fight with you anymore. I don't want us to be friends, but not villains, you know. It would be easier for our work."
I open my mouth so say something, but I don't know what to say.
"Please think about it.", he tries to keep eye contact.
"Okay. I need time to think about it. I had a pretty hard time cuz of you.", I look down to my feet.
"Take as much time as you need.", I could hear that he is smiling. "See you Wonwoo."
He leaves and I stare at the spot where he was standing the past few minutes.
The past 20 minutes where weird as hell.
First the mysterious phone call from Mr. Han and now my ex apologised.

In the afternoon I step outside of the building and take a deep breath and sigh loudly.
What a day, so far.

I arrived at the entertainment at around 4pm.
"He said that I should come when I'm free, so here we go.", I approach the reception.
"Hi. Mister Han is waiting for me.", I smile shyly.
"Ah yes. He's waiting for you. I'll call him.", the woman grabs the receiver and dials a number. She talks to someone and hangs up. "He will be here shortly."

"Mister Jeon!", I turn around. "Thank you for finding time for me."
"You're welcome?", I was still a little confused but also curious what he wants to talk about.
"Come.", he points to the elevator. "You know Mister Jeon. We think you are pretty talented."
I stay quiet.
"I talked to your tutor and Mister Cho. We wanna give you a really good opportunity.", he continues and taps one if the buttons in the elevator.
I look at him obviously confused.
"I'm not only talking about your talent for acting.", the elevator dings.
"Wait-", I start, but he stops me.
"We got more than a video of your acting.", he leaves the elevator and I follow him.
We go in some kind of conference room.
There is someone else sitting at the table.
I think know that guy.
"Hey.", he looks up and we make eye contact.
It's Mingyu.
"Hey?", I look around. "Can someone please tell me what's going on?"
He shrugs. "I have no idea."
"Please sit down.", I do as Mister Han wishes and sit next to Mingyu. He sits in front of us. "You know we can get you famous, right?"
I nob slowly.
"Your tutor told me that your dream is to be an professional actor. Am I right?"
"Yeah, that's right."
"What if I would tell you that we can make that possible?", he looks at me with a straight face.
"Wait...", I fold my hands. "Where's the catch?"
He sighs. "Mingyu needs a new partner."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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