The Loneliest Heart's

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"You don't trust me, admit it Bat's!" Harley biting her lip out of frustration, how Bruce always seem to be hovering around her before she did anything. Parking in the bat cave, Batman got out the car first. "I trust you Harley." Not giving her any courtesy of making eye contact saying that to her. She sat there remembering what brought her here and how badly she wanted to escape the abuse. There to give her a hand when she was in need, giving her a home safe away from Joker himself.

She got out the batmobile, watching him sit at his computer removing the mask he wore more than his own face concentrating. He never seem to take a rest. "Hey Ba-Bruce. I notice you haven't been sleeping lately, I think you need to take a break." Bruce typing away could see Harley approaching him from his side, he almost shrug her off but the look of worry held him from speaking them. "I'm fine Harley." Her hand grabbing his from continuing, he wasn't happy but understood why she did it. Harley was angry at him for being restrictive when they're out there fighting crime; right now she knew it wasn't the most active of hours for Gotham.

"Why do you push yourself Bruce, you can let the police take care of the small fry's at least." She heard his loud sigh when he got up and walk to the elevator they use to exit the bat cave. Following along right behind him, Bruce waiting for her to be at his side. She couldn't help each time they got in the elevator to stare at him. 'He's doing something to us.' Exiting from the elevator into his room, she wasn't going to drop one thing that bothered her. "Do you really trust me? When we're at home you stop being a control freak with me." Bruce usual confidence not found in this situation, he reminded himself that he faced worse.

"Harley, I don't mean to offend you," his voice being firm even when he didn't know what to do; "I'm not trying to be overbearing. I want to protect you." She didn't expect to hear that from him. "Oooooh." She was way off the mark on her own reasoning. All she could muster is a dry "Thanks Bruce." Giving him a big smile as he walk into his bathroom saying you're welcome, she tried her best not to analyze his voice into something else again. Harley went into her room with exhaustion slowly making her eyes heavy as she got ready putting her phone down an idea came into her head.

Bruce laid on his bed thinking about the entire day, replaying every single moment with her. His years of training brought him awareness. As he saw the door open and the silhouette of the one stuck on his mind. "Harley?" She began doubting her idea 'How did this sound like a good idea Harley!" Bruce mind racing at what she could want at this time and the revealing clothing she wore to sleep wasn't helping his brain to state the obvious to him. "Do you want to sleep together?" She felt a blush on her face she couldn't hide, she saw his eyes wide open for a short moment.

She began laughing; using her hands to signal to him from misunderstanding. "I mean sleep in the same bed, been feeling lonely in this big mansion of yours." Knowing she's the reason It's been this way since his family eventually left when he brought her home. 'It couldn't hurt.' Bruce patting the big bed giving her the okay, she let her happiness fill the room. Jumping high into the air landing on the bed, making the spring of the bed make their signature noise. They laid there not knowing what to do, the change of being in bed with each other immediately processing into their minds.

Bruce took the initiative of telling her good night giving her enough room away from him. The peaceful sensation of her presence giving him a comfort to rest and close his eyes. A couple hours later he woke up to her holding him, facing her direction. Her eyes closed. The urge to turn away from her, fighting with himself to not disturb her sleep. Bruce let out what else made him protective "I love you Harley." Whispering to himself. Closing his eyes, gently moving her into a deep loving embrace making sure to not wake her up. Harley arms tighten around him after making sure he fell asleep; she wasn't sure about her own feeling's. 'You love me Bruce? How can you love someone like me?' Falling asleep to her thinking, hoping she could forget what he said or tomorrow will be for certain an awkward time knowing that everything he's doing is out of love. She wouldn't be able deny what her heart wanted for a long time.

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