When Doing Right, Goes Wrong

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Harley Quinn experienced a lot in her short life, she seen and done things she would say not many will ever experience. Now as she kneeled on the cold floor, looking down, the cloth ripped on both her knees as she stare at the forming blood seeping out her pores. What a hell of day. It started a simple job of checking up on two warehouses with Cat-woman. Didn't end up well as it turned out to be a set up.

Surrounded by criminals armed to the teeth, weapons of all types pointing at them. It was a bigger risk than they both expected and they realized their mistake, giving each other a knowing confirmation. Harley usually didn't care about what would happen next until her mind ran through the worse case scenario. It wasn't one of being unlikely. A few of the men walking toward Cat and her, grabbing both of them, pulling them in two separate directions.

Harley panic at the idea of what could happen, she had look back to the calmness of Selena who didn't lose composure. She took a deep breath trying to remember that she's been through a lot. When they reach a door in the back of what now is seen as an empty room, she was thrown hard to the floor, feeling the hard concrete in her fall. 'What the hell did I get myself into?' As she glance around the small room. 'I need to get out of this' She move toward what seem to be a potential exit, Harley knew this could end up bad but at least a little hope.

She turn to see two of the men return, "It doesn't look like, what you think it look like." A Fist flew into her face before she could react. She felt the impact that soon turn to pain. "Let me kill this fucking bitch!" He turn to her and pointing his finger with emphasis toward her. "I know I'm just another face for you, you live your life so fast you don't remember a face like mine!" He walk toward her, the anger never leaving his eyes. "You killed my mom!" He seem to know what she was about to say, watching her closely.

"I don't remember doing such a thing!" The man couldn't stop his laughter. Tears forming in his eyes. "You didn't directly do it but you sure helped the Joker in his plans, you never once thought about those around you." She always help to set out the Joker plans but he was right. She was as guilty because she didn't have an e excuse to her actions, she knew he seem familiar. "I'm sorry about your mom. I saw what happened to her because of me, I couldn't sleep after that." She look at him as he seem more quiet.

He walk closer only for her to suddenly lose consciousness. This is how she woke up, pain remaining and her costume ripped. She didn't seem to noticed the commotion until she look up, Batman fighting the two men. No mercy was being shown more to the man who hit her, he went at the them both with precise punches until he knocked the out. Harley couldn't help keep her eyes off him as he cuff both men, calling in Gordon to pick them up.

She should be ecstatic about the situation, it's been months that Bruce began to ignore her existence. 'How many times is it now? You left me wondering if you still care about me.' She pick herself up until she lost balance and crumble underneath the weight of her body, she couldn't see well and her legs started to hurt like her. She focus hard to make sense of the figure walking toward her, instant relief knowing once she clearly saw him walking, that it's Batman. He immediately kneel close to her, eyeing her body for injuries, Harley could tell that he was actually worrying about her, she miss that about him. Bruce calm demeanor and stoic face didn't break, his self control kept him from panicking.

He didn't want to make a mistake now. He picked her up bridal style and shot his batarang toward the roof, taking them to the top safely. He immediately called Alfred to send the Batplane to their location, taking a few seconds before arriving. He gently place her in the back seat, buckling her up and quickly jump to his own seat to fly them back to the justice league headquarters in Gotham. It seem like a blur once the medics took her into the building, he wasn't able to think about anything in those long minutes only the thought he messed up not talking to her as much as he could.

"Hey, Batman. Don't have to worry about anything, Harley is going to be fine. She'll be able to leave now with you." As he look back to her as she slept in the room. "It's good you and Green Arrow showed up in time, I'm heading over now to check up on Catwoman." As the Doctor began walking out the room, he pat Batman shoulder before leaving. Batman walking in as she sitting up looking at the door. "Take me home Bats." As she look down before saying those last two words, whispering them before looking at him as she pass him at the door. "Never mind. Thanks for saving me." Harley felt a hand on her shoulder stopping her from moving further.

"Harley, do you think so low of me that you think I won't help you." Bruce began walking next to her as they exit out the building to get inside the Batmobile, she really wondering his reason until she remembered. 'That Doctor said Catwoman is here. He picked me over her, Bruce...you really do have an odd way of showing you care.' It dawned on her instantly in the moment that he never her left her side. He drove to her apartment, making sure to study their surroundings. "Bat's, thank you, thank you for everything." Her eyes showing signs of tears forming as he's seeing something that he hadn't seen from the day he took her to live with him. "You got a home here Bats, you ever need a place, come here cause my home is your home." Bruce listening to her speak to him, he couldn't help look up as went toward her apartment. She wave at him one more time before going inside, he watch as she close that door.

He walk to his Batmobile, got inside and look one more time before driving away. Batman lost track of time once he got back into the Justice League headquarters, doing the most important task, he was lost in thought making sure the paper work of Justice League is properly handled. He look up at one of his screens for Gotham local news as he grab to sip on coffee, he stop, placing it back on the desk. He watch the screen showing a call to police by an elderly man and woman. "We both heard the shots, we look out our window and saw her on the ground, she was riddled with bullets. So much blood." Bruce look at the words that made it certain he couldn't deny reality.

"Harley Quinn shot. Critical Condition."

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