Serve Yourself

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NORWAY - November 12th 1949

"Arne Harlovsen."

Katta watched how the Hydra agent crossed her brother's name from the list in his hand.

"Next one," he said. Arne returned to the others, and Erik stepped forward, his arms crossed behind his back. Katta felt her palms begin to sweat as, one after another, her siblings and cousins reported to the agent. Then, only she was left.

"Next one."

Katta swallowed and slowly stepped forward. The agents' gaze lingered on her as she came closer—a lump built in her throat as she shrank under his glare. She exchanged a quick look with Magnus, who nodded encouragingly. Katta inhaled deeply and stopped in front of the agent.

"Name?" he asked.

"K-Kattalina Harlovsen," she stammered. His expression didn't waver as his pencil flew over the paper. He crossed her name away with a quick motion and snapped the folder shut. Katta involuntary flinched at the loud noise but quickly collected herself. Quickly, she returned to her family members, who'd lined up against a wall, their arms folded behind their backs. She mirrored them, feeling the sweat on her palms increase.

The soldier clamped the folder under his arm and let his gaze wander over the lined-up Harlovsen family.

"I am agent Christoph Lovich, responsible for integrating new volunteers into our system. As of now, you're officially part of HYDRA. Congratulations. The pride and service you bring to our country are unparalleled."

From the side of her eyes, Katta saw Fenris nodding as he listened. It had been his idea for them to join the program. He'd been an active soldier in World War II. As Erik and Arne had been. Liv had already worked for the intelligence service.

One afternoon, a few weeks ago, they had all sat together around their family table and listened to the radio broadcast, trying to get any new information about the threatening weapon upgrade.

"That is utter bullshit," Liv seethed. "Russia has more weapons, England is arming, the USA are working on some new type of bombs. We need to prepare for the next war." Her pointer finger tapped onto the table with every word. "It is not right what they are saying on the radio. I KNOW IT."

Katta watched her from across the table. Her coffee was long forgotten, too cold to drink anymore. Liv had a drag on her cigarette, blowing the smoke sideways. Her eyebrows were drawn together, and her elaborate curled and coiffed hair hung strands around her face. Katta was sure that she hadn't slept properly in days, too busy intercepting communication channels.

Fenris nodded in agreement, his arms crossed. Dissatisfaction was edged on his face. Only days ago, he'd returned from a reconnaissance mission of the marine forces. Growing tensions between the countries quickly replaced the joy over World War II's ending. Norway was no exception.

"I have a suggestion," he said. Katta observed how he dug into the inside of his jacket and pulled out a bunch of papers. He passed them around, everybody taking a sheet until everyone held one in their hand.

Vikar's eyes flickered over the lines, and he looked up questioningly. "What is this supposed to mean? What is HYDRA?"

Katta was still busy reading the letters, printed in a thick font.


"HYDRA is our future," Fenris answered. "It is our possibility to do something." He pointedly looked at Liv. "We know the truth is far from what the news tells everybody. It is upon us to make a difference."

Katta exchanged a glance with Olaf. Both of them had never been involved with any war-related subject. She cleared her throat. "How could I be of use? I can not fight. I don't know about technology. I'm no strategist."

Liv shook her head. "It is not about what you can do, Katta. It is about THAT you actually DO something. We can only offer ourselves. It's about them accepting our help."

"They are especially looking for related people. Why is that?" Magnus murmured, still concentrating on the paper. Fenris shrugged. "I'm not sure. We ask them once we're there."

Katta swallowed. "You sound like you already made your decision, Fenris." He met her gaze and nodded. "Yes, I did. I will do everything I can to help our country. Won't you do the same?"

Wouldn't she do the same? Katta concentrated back on the HYDRA agent. She hadn't noticed that he was talking.

"--medical check-up to see if you match our requirements. Please follow me this way."

Fenris, Liv and Erik immediately followed, their military experience visible in their prompt pace and folded hands behind their backs. Olaf and Magnus followed. Vikar and Katta were the last to track. They walked through dark corridors, enlightened only by dim lights. It must be subterranean as there were no windows to look outside. The agent kept a quick pace, forcing Katta to hast along. She wished she was as confident as the others, but in truth, she was terrified. Nobody was able to tell her what was going to happen. Only Fenris' repeated mantra that it would be for the better cause held Katta confident that she'd made the right decision.

At least they all were together. Vikar walked alongside her, his face holding a grim but determined expression. He noticed Katta's tenseness and slightly nudged her, whispering, "This is right."

Katta meekly nodded and tried to calm her nerves. Everything was all right. If she only repeated it often enough, maybe she would believe it one day. 


AN: This was our first sneak peek into the Harlovsens backstory. And there is a lot more to come! 

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