Ten Rings

140 7 4

TW: Light Smut.

NEW YORK, Presence

A few days later, Katta had taken up residence in her new flat, chosen and furnished by Magnus. It was one of his better works, cosy and small with a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and living room - nothing too fancy. 

The coffee machine quietly rattled, pressing the black, thick essence into a mug. Katta watched it, suppressing a yawn. It was her first day at the new job and even though her mind was alert, her body needed an extra shot of caffeine to keep up. Katta readjusted as she felt the handle of one of her knives pressing into her side. Antonio had gifted her a few new sets of tailored suits to wear at work and they were beautifully crafted, with diverse in-sewn pockets to hide and store guns and knives - but somehow they didn't fit perfectly. She would ask a tailor to alter it.

Katta closed the jacket's button and quickly gulped down the hot espresso, humming as it ran down her throat. She grabbed her keys and phone and left the apartment, where a black limousine waited for her, waiting to drive her to the Mascucci building. As with every new client, the first thing on her agenda would be to check up on everything security-related. Cameras, locks, fingerprint scanners, and the training of the security guards. She would rule out weak spots and write a report for Antonio. Katta had already worked for Antonio a few years ago, and she had to admit that the Italian Mafia was a fair employer. Good work from her side always resulted in more than fair payment and other benefits coming along.

A few minutes later, Katta exited the limousine and entered the stonewalled building, her eyes flickering from left to right as her heels clicked over the marble floor. The entrance hall was spiked with men in expensive suits, some sipping coffee, some talking to each other - but everyone had their eyes on her as she strutted down the foyer, taking in the expensive furniture and the dark wood.

One of the men detached from the others and met Katta halfway, offering his hand to greet her.

"Signora Harlovsen, Paolo Maschucci."

Katta examined him from head to toe. Dark and short locks that curled on his forehead, a slightly crooked nose and a suit worth the yearly income of an average worker. He couldn't be any older than thirty years and most likely, he was-

"Antonios' son," Katta guessed, taking his hand and shaking it. He gave her a short nod, his eyes glued to her face and appearance. Katta knew this look - he was analyzing her, taking in everything he could. Just in case. 

"If you'd follow me." He guided her towards the elevators. "I am currently responsible for our security system."

"Keeping it in the family," Katta said. The doors to the elevators opened and they entered. He pressed a button to the underground floors and a small flap popped open. Paolo bent forward to have his iris scanned. 

"That's new," Katta muttered under her breath. The last time she'd worked here, they had used chip cards. Paolo rightened up and nodded.

"It's not as easy to steal someone's eye as to lay hands on a chip card. I suggested it, and we've had fewer security gaps since then."

He seemed to have a good eye on these things. Katta had to give him that. She curtly wondered, why his father had hired her to be the security chef, but as she knew the Mafia, Paolo was probably busy being trained to take over his father's business. The elevator stopped a few seconds later and opened to a corridor that was only dimly lit.

"I have to admit I was sceptical when Father came up with hiring somebody to lead the security division - especially a woman," Paolo murmured as they walked aside. Katta glanced at him, trying to assess his expression. He looked at her from the side of his eyes, a smirk tugging on his lips. "Then I found video material from the last time you worked for us. Quite impressive."

"What exactly did you find?" Katta asked.

He clicked his tongue. "You against eight of Santuccios' men. That's what I found. And a police report about eight unidentified bodies in Boston river." Paolo opened a door for her. Katta went through, entering a square room. The walls were piled with shelves containing a variety of different objects. Weapons, jars with dubious contents and stuffed animals - it was a paradise for illegal goods. Katta ventured further into the room, her eyes skimming over the shelves. It wasn't like she had to hold anything against it. Most of her former clients dealt with prohibited goods. Katta was there for the sole purpose of making sure that everything ran smoothly. She would never question it - that was what she was paid for.

One thing particularly caught her eye. It was a set of ten rings sitting in a glassy box. Katta inched closer. Something about it had a pull on her. It was strange.

"Careful," Paolo warned. "This is our most precious product at the moment."

Katta narrowed her eyes, eyeing the small engravings on the rings. "These aren't just rings, are they?" She looked at him over her shoulder. His jaw ticked.

"This isn't important to you. Your task is to ensure they're safe when we sell them to the highest bidder," Paolo sharply said. Katta nodded and took a step back. "It was not my intention to be nosey. I just need to know what I'm dealing with." 

The door opened, and Antonio entered, a bright smirk on his face. "Kattalina! I see you already met Antonio, my son. Last year I introduced him to the business. A man can't work forever." 

He took a look at his watch and then towards Katta, his expression becoming serious. "After you've seen parts of the goods I deal with, I ask you again whether you want to work in this position. I'm not going to ask again, and you know the deeds of backing out on a later date."

Katta nodded. In the Mafia, it was everything or nothing. Katta could back out now, and nothing would happen. She'd take the next flight to Norway and submerge for a while. But if she decided to stay and work for Antonio, she would have to stay until he allowed her to leave. It was a fair offer. She stretched out her hand, and Antonio took it, shaking it firmly.

"I knew I could count on you. Now, let's have an espresso and talk about details." He turned around, and Katta followed him back to the elevators, her thoughts still circling the ten rings, safely sitting on the shelf.


Norway, September 21st 1950

„Shhh." Christoph breathed in her ear as he moved faster. Katta threw her head back at the feeling of him inside her. The pleasure was driving her insane. "You need to be quiet," he whispered. His hands gripped her waist to keep her in place as he drove into her, over and over again. Katta tried to suppress her moans and instead bit down on his shoulder. He groaned at the feeling, his shoulders tensing.

"You're the dead of me."

She didn't answer, afraid that moans would spill from her mouth and cut through the silence of her room. For a short moment, all the drill was forgotten. For a moment, it was only her and Christoph. For a moment, it felt like everything was going to be fine.

His breath became more ragged, and Katta knew he was close. "Dritt," he cursed, tilting her chin up. His lips found hers in a heated kiss. Katta felt herself nearing her own end, the air seeming harder to breathe. Waves of release pumped through her, and soon afterwards, he followed. His forehead pressed against hers as he panted. She watched him from underneath, her fingers caressing his cheek. A slight grin grew on his face.

"I love you, Katta."

He brushed a strand of hair from her face, stroking her cheek. Her heart missed a beat, only to pump twice as fast afterwards.

"I love you, Christoph."


There's no excuse. It's been too long. 

Forgive me - FaYeMs

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