♤Suicide Boy♤

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Nisha was not having the best day of her life. She messed up slightly on a mission and now has to clean... that wasn't her job. She didn't mind cleaning, but when Mori ordered to do it, Nisha hated cleaning

To be fair, Nisha hated everything about that man. He creeped her out, and made her very uncomfortable whenever they were in a room together..

Mori- "Nisha, dear. You may stop cleaning now. Come here please"

Nisha placed the broom she had in her hand down, and walked over to Mori

Nisha- "Yes, Mori?"

Mori- I smiled "You don't have to call me by last name dear, it's your name as well. But I do have something to do, and I want you to come with me"

Nisha- "What are we doing?"

Mori- "Were going to see a young boy, who tried to commit suicide about a week ago. His name is Dazai Osamu, he's 14, just like you"

Nisha- "Won't he be uncomfortable? And isn't he a patient of yours? Why do I need to go? It has nothing to do with me"

Mori- "So many questions you have!" I laughed "I need you there, so you can help convince him to join the Port Mafia"

Nisha- "What do I get out of it?"

Mori- "You help a suicidal boy, you also get a new friend possibly. So many outcomes, if you just come with me"

Nisha- I sighed "I'm not in a good mood"

Mori- "Pretend. Your good at that"

Mori walked away, and went outside to the car, and waited for Nisha. Eventually, Nisha made up her mind, and went to the hospital with Mori.


Once the two got there, they were both let into a room. They were welcomed by a nurse talking to a boy strapped down to his bed

Nurse- "Ah. Hello doctor" I walked over to the two "And little girl.. I'm sorry, you need to leave"

Mori- "She's with me, I allowed her to come in"

The Nurse just nodded and walked out

Mori- "Hello Dazai, my name is Ogai Mori. I'll be your doctor. Dear, why don't you go introduce yourself"

Nisha walked up to the boy and looked at him. He looked absolutely dead.

Nisha- I looked at Mori "He's not alive inside. He wont listen to me, or you"

Mori- "That's a suicidal person for you. Just try"

Nisha looked back at Dazai

Nisha- "Hello Dazai. My name is Nisha Aoki. I'm the daughter of your doctor here. I understand you tried to kill yourself, by jumping off of a building? I'm sorry you didn't succeed"

Nisha sighed, and smiled a bit

Nisha- "Your life has no purpose right now yes? I could make that more interesting. Join the Port Mafia, and I promise your life will be much more interesting.. I can't promise it will be all happy, but maybe it will be sometimes"

Dazai didn't move. He didn't blink. It even looked like he wasn't breathing.. but he was alive. He had a pulse and his eyes would move ever so slightly

Nisha- "You don't have to join. It's up to you. But if you do join, I'll be waiting for you"

Nisha took one more look at Dazai, and then walked back to Mori

Nisha- "I'll be taking my leave"

Mori- "Going home?"

Nisha nodded

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