♤Life is Unfair♤

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Warning- This chapter includes sensitive topics and sensitive scenes. I will put a warning on where it begins and ends (It's not that bad I promise!)
Otherwise enjoy! <3

Life is very unfair..

Dazai, Chuuya, and Nisha have all been friends for years now. The two boys already turned 18.. and soon Nisha would be turning 18 years old

Dazai and Nisha are still dating, and always teasing Chuuya about joining them.. with Chuuya always rejecting

They got him to join them on a date once.. Chuuya then said he'd never go on a date with Dazai ever again

The only reason he said this was because Dazai was very touchy with Chuuya, so Chuuya usually stayed near Nisha, who was laughing the whole time

For Dazai's 18th birthday, Nisha and Chuuya spent the day with him, relaxing and doing work. Of course Dazai had some breaks because, in his words, 'I shouldn't work, it's my birthday~'. At the end of the day though, Dazai, Nisha, and Chuuya all joined Dazai at the bar he usually went to with his other friends. The two met his friends, and they all enjoyed their time..

For Chuuya's 18th birthday, he got a car.. and he loved it. Dazai had made a joke that he was gonna blow it up one day and Chuuya just punched him to shut him up.. throughout the day they spent going to the cat Cafe (Which Chuuya eventually loved), around to different parks, drove around in Chuuya's new car, and spent the night at Nisha's house..

And soon enough, It was Nisha's birthday. The boys were scared something was gonna happen to her, so they planned out their day with her

Before her birthday, when it was time to go home, was when they would start their plan

Dazai walked up to Mori..

Dazai- "Mori I'd like to stay the night with Aoki tonight"

Mori- "And why is that?"

Dazai- "So I can be with her the whole night and wake up by her side for her bithday"

Nisha smiled

Mori- "That's fine with me.. come on, let's go"

Dazai smiled and went over to Nisha

Dazai- "You wanna have fun for your birthday lo-"

Nisha punched him in the stomach

Nisha- "I consider myself to young for that Dazai, maybe another time~"

Dazai, in pain now, nodded his head and slowly got up to follow the other two

Once the three got home, they all ate dinner and got ready for bed

Nisha and Dazai got into Nisha's bed, and Nisha laid on top of Dazai's chest, and smiled

Dazai started to play with Nisha's hair, and also smiled

Dazai- "You'll be 18 tomorrow.. are you excited?"

Nisha- "Yeah.. I'm excited to have you and Chuuya by my side the whole time as well.."

Dazai- "We'll always be there for you.."

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