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A few months have passed sense Dazai had started his training. He hadn't been officially placed in the Mafia just yet, but he was close

Nisha was always helping out with his emotions, and his health in general

And Dazai would always ask if that was her ability. She would always say no. But he noticed that whenever she healed him, the pain would go away almost instantly. So he still had his doubts

Nisha was always joyful and positive around everyone. Dazai noticed this as well

Nisha would always make everyone something to eat, give them water, heal them, make sure they were okay, spend time with them, and make sure they were never down

It was impossible to be sad around Nisha when she was always smiling and giving good advice to issues

Dazai had no idea what her ability was, and had no idea how she was always so happy. When he first met her, she seemed down, depressed, and as if she didn't want to be alive in that moment. Dazai saw her weak smile, and thought he found another suicidal person

He was wrong

Though, he didn't overlook the fact that Nisha didn't like her dad, Mori. She wouldn't smile with him unless she was making fun of him or trying on something he got her. Mori never made her anything to eat, or gave her any praise when she would do something correct. He would just nod and smile

He could tell she hated that

Dazai also noticed Nisha went to school, and was smart as well. She had a great education

Dazai had many questions about Nisha, but knew she probably wouldn't answer them with a straight answer, and it would probably be a riddle he would have to solve. So he didn't ask any of them

Dazai developed more emotions, and could express how he was feeling more. Sarcasm was one of the biggest ones he showed. Dazai was smart, scary, sarcastic, and funny at times. He would use dark humor to cope most of the time

Nisha knew not to mess around with him. She knew he wasn't scared of anything, and could do anything he pleased, and that scared her

Nisha and Dazai grew closer, and became good friends. They called each other names most of the time, but never by first name. It would be last name, or a nickname such as, "Waste of bandages" or "Your highness" just to make fun of or mock the other person

They didn't mind it, and never took them seriously. They never had any big fights, and got along very well

Today, Dazai decided to walk around for a bit. He got bored, and Nisha had something else to do

He brang back two children

Nisha and Mori were talking about something in Mori's office when they heard a knock on the door

Mori- "Come in"

Dazai opened the door, and the two kids followed him

Nisha's and Mori's eyes widened

Nisha- "Dazai, you have two children with you"

Dazai- "I'm aware. I came here to show you these two. I found them in the slums not to long ago. I promised this little boy a reason to live. And he then showed me his sister, and I promised to take her in as well"

Nisha smiled, and Mori did as well

Nisha- "You did my job for me, well done Dazai" I laughed

Nisha walked up to the children

Nisha- "Hello you two. What are your names? How old are you?"

Ryu- Ryunosuke Akutagawa. I'm 12.."

Gin- Gin Akutagawa.. I'm 10.."

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