2 | Nightgowns

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2 - Roselyne 

"Miss, Miss Roselyne, wake up, beautiful lady."

I woke up to the splash of water. My soul wasn't yet fully restored but some maids led me to the dressing room. Some stylists and makeup artists were here. Seemed so busy.

"What were you guys doing? What time is it ?"

"It's 9 in the morning, and you're getting married today."

"TODAY?" I screamed, surprised when my wedding dress was in that room as well. I suddenly realized what's about to happen.

I started to cry, feeling like everything happened suddenly without me agreeing to anything at all. A maid walked up and gently stroked my shoulder.

"I apologize, Your Majesty, but Prince Chan said this is a surprise for you."

Surprise ? Oh yes, I was so fucking surprised. And what was that ? Prince ? Your Majesty ? Was I being thrown into the kingdom era? This was ridiculous. I didn't even get any news from my parents. They didn't respond to my texts for days.

What did he talk to my parents about? They wouldn't have the heart to sell me, would they? And after all, my dad's position made him very strict on me, his only child. He applied many rules in the house, education, also about boyfriends. But I thought Chan could win over my dad's heart that easily.

"Where's my phone? I want to call my parents."

"I apologize, Your Majesty. Prince Chan keeps your phone."

I gave up, still crying while letting the make-up artist do their jobs. My tears kept smudging every cosmetic they put on my face. And finally they decided to call my boyfriend, he entered my room, asking the maids and makeup artists to leave the room for a moment.

"Chan? What the fuck is this ?"

"We're getting married-"

"I know- I KNOW !"

I tried hard to control your emotions, my body was trembling, holding it from exploding any further. He sighed, probably already knowing what my reaction would be like.

As much as I loved him, as much as I wanted to be his woman forever, marriage wasn't an easy decision. I needed to think about it, to prepare, to discuss, to talk to my parents and closest friends.

But the fact was I didn't get any proposal at all and- oh, he never asked for a proper date either.

For the umpteenth time bad thoughts haunt me. What if it was only me who loved him? What if he's dating me just because he wanted something from me? What if after the wedding, he'd dump me ?

"Look at me."

He rested his strong hands on the left and right arm of the dressing chair, staring at me under him, locking me here. I slowly looked up, returning his gaze with a small sob and teary eyes.

"You love me ?"

I nodded, he never talked about my feelings for him. When he confessed and asked me to be his girlfriend, he did it with a straight face. He then just smiled a little and briefly when I said 'yes'.

He used to talk or hold my hand even with a cold face or just as necessary, and I was fine with that. But after two months of dating, somehow he grew colder. I thought he was bored. I didn't think he would marry me.

But here we were.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to marry you as soon as possible." He said while stroking my left cheek. His touch calmed me down a bit, His gaze could easily make me trust him.

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