15 | XXA60

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15 - Chan

"Fighting again, Chan ? Been three weeks ?"

I nodded. This was so embarrassing. Second time and worse. And no, I knew it was probably not that bad since she was still texting me many times saying 'sorry'. She was the one who wanted to make things better for both of us.

It was just me. She said she hates me, that was why I ignored her. I wasn't good enough.

But these days she was not texting or calling me that much. She probably was tired and just waiting for me to contact her. Once again, I still wasn't ready.

Jinyoung shook his head. I knew he was thinking that I and Roselyne were still stubborn and not emotionally stable. Marriage was never easy even for mature men like him, while I needed to marry her at 23.

"Chan, you need to-"

"Sorry, but I don't want your advice for now."

"Well, okay, you can ask about that anytime." He was chill, that was also his talent. He then took his laptop and showed something. "Look."

It was the SKZ-Leaders group chat. I forgot when was the last time I checked it.

'There's a rumor that ZZZ are making a new poison, XXA60. They have tried it on a rat. The rat didn't die right away. It felt pain day by day like a torture. Killing slowly, then died after 60 days. And now they have given it to someone, their current target.'

"Crazy, aren't they ?" Jinyoung sighed, all of us needed to stop ZZZ. Everything was so messed up. My team was already undercover at the college to get evidences about ZZZ, but now we missed it because of fucking Bethany.

Now we had to start over again, and now this was the right time to prove their crimes.  We needed to know who was their target and broke through their laboratory.

"We need some changes for plan X, Chan."

"But the plan is now good and-"

"Chan, Jinyoung !"

I heard Seungmin scream and ran towards us, giving another thing he got from local news.

'A cafe in the town told the police about what they saw on their CCTV footage. A woman in black cap went inside their cafe at dawn, putting something at the bottom right of every chair. Now the police are checking the chairs there, they have found weird substances suspected as poison on some chairs. But unfortunately, they found only one chair that had fingerprints on it.

The woman in black is in search. Police suspected she was a part of an illegal organization.'

The CCTV footage then showed some people inside the cafe. The cafe I and Roselyne visited. There were also her friends. But then, I saw something that stabbed my heart.

"Roselyne's chair has a fingerprint on it, Chan. She's the only one who touched it because-"

"Because she's pregnant. She did it to support her body." I growled, I knew pregnant women used to put one of their hands behind their back for support. I couldn't believe ZZZ would go this far, using a pregnant woman's habit to put poison on Roselyne.

I was okay until now, that meant the poison did not stick on me. But how about Rosie ?

"The poison might have been sticking on her belongings before she went home and washed her hands." Jinyoung spoke his theory. "Chan, have you check on-"

I didn't answer and ran towards the door. I called her number many times, but she didn't pick up.

My mind filled with negative thoughts, counting how many days left since that day. I realized she only had five weeks. I only had five weeks to find an antidote.

I reached my phone, calling someone for help. " I really need your help for now. I know I've been a jerk to you, but you know what happened to Rosie. Please ask your parents to do research for XXA60. If they could get the antidote in two weeks, I will give you one of my castles, Kim."

I drove to the castle, my home that I had left for two weeks straight. I quickly ran to our room but I didn't find her there.

I looked for her everywhere ; library , shooting room, my room, practice room, dining room. But still, I couldn't find her beautiful face.

I now stopped at the garden, my last hope. I ran to every part of it, but once again, I failed.

I failed to protect her.

I failed to make her happy.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty-"

A maid ran towards me, giving me a letter. "This is from the Princess, she asked me to give this to you if you come here. We all here don't know where she is right now. She didn't want to tell us. I apologize, Your Majesty."

The maid then bowed and left me alone.


'Hey Chan, uh, I think this is my first time writing a letter for you. I don't know how to contact you, so I think this is the only thing I can do if you come here.

If you accept this, thank you. Thank you for reading this. But maybe I have already gone for so long, even though I'm hoping that I can meet you for one last time.

Thank you for everything, Chan. Thank you for asking me to be your girlfriend, then being your wife. Being your wife has always been my dream.

You taught me to be strong, to be a good woman every day. You gave me love that I never expected before. You're the best thing in my life, Channie.

I'm sorry I couldn't be a good wife for you. I don't want to be a burden, I don't want to make your life harder because of me. You deserve someone better, someone stronger than me.

I will try hard to give birth to our baby, I will do my best. Please take care of our baby, Chan, with your new wife soon.

I hope I'm still alive until our baby is ready to be born. I want to do great for my last task I do in this world.

Anyway, I've checked with the doctor, our baby is a boy !

So, that's it. I know it's cringe, I don't even know how to end a letter. I'm so sorry for that.

Good bye, Channie. I love you.'

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