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This will be the 3rd day since the first lady was ignoring the president. Namjoon is doing all the best ideas he can come up with to make his wife flustered but nothing seems to be working

Jin sleeps in the other room, for the last two days, she's always doing that every time she's mad at her husband and Namjoon can't take it anymore, he loves her and he is missing her so much

And this morning will be his last straw to make her heart flutter. He wakes up early to cook for his wife. He clearly knows God didn't give him any sort of talent when it comes to cooking but one thing he is sure about. The moment he got a hold of their kitchen knife, his lovely wife will talk to him

She might scold him for trying to cook or even burning the whole place but he will gladly take the risk if that's the only way his wife would talk to him and this plan of him never fails

He told all the maids and cooks that no one will interfere with him while preparing their breakfast, all the maids and head chef stands around the kitchen watching their president frying an egg for the three of them and in no time, the pan is smoking. The eggs becomes brownish. He hastily get the spatula to turn it over but the egg sticks to the pan forgetting to put a little bit oil for it

The whole place smells smoke like someone is burning a newspaper but as Namjoon instructions, no one would help him prepare their food till the smoke alarm went off alarming all his guards from it. Taehyung and Jin wakes up worried, they are still on their pajamas when they come out running out from their rooms

Jungkook is fast to reach Taehyung, he pulls her holding her in the hands to get her safe out the blue house, Yoongi reach the first lady taking her out too but Jin stops near the door. Just one more step to get outside when she looks back inside the house and look for Namjoon

She looks around looking for him, Yoongi stands beside her confuse who is she searching for?

"Ma'am you need to get in safety.. your daughter is already outside waiting for you"

But instead of listening to him she walks further inside the house till she reaches the kitchen. Both hands in her waist walking straight to him still busy to fry an egg for her

All the servants look at her bowing their head, someone wants to greet her 'good morning' but she puts her index finger on her lips signaling the maid to keep quiet, everybody saw how the president flinched hard when his wife talks right just behind him

"What do you think you're doing? Are you planning to burn the whole place just because you're frying an egg? We have a lot of maids and chefs here who know how to cook the dish you want but I guess you want to be written in the history of South Korea to be the very first president who burn the blue house!"

"my love.. at last you are talking to me.. I'm so sorry, please forgive me and have a date with me?" Namjoon turns to her still holding the spatula after turning off the stove

"you just want to ask me to go on a date with you but why would you want to set the whole place on fire?"

"no I wouldn't, I just want to prepare our breakfast.."

"and what would that be? Burnt egg and toasted sausage? C'mon Jonnie let the cook and chef do their job and just ask me what you want!"

Jin might be still mad at him but she missing him too, those nights that she chose to sleep on the other room, she just waiting for him to insist that she should sleep with him in their room but Namjoon looks frustrated didn't know how to talk to her

She might scold him again or rant but she let out her anger that day and that will be one time, she would stay silent and ignore him and wait what he will do to get her flustered again but Namjoon seems forget how to do it

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