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Taehyung pulls him to the corner where the flickering lights are not reaching, she stands close to Jungkook, makes him lean his back on the wall, she grips on his shoulders and tiptoed to kiss him on the lips

Taehyung was invited to some sort of gathering of models so here they are. socializing, having small talks here and there, having fun with few friends in this kind of work but she's getting bored. She wants to be near her bodyguard but Jungkook has a designated place, she glances at him every now and then while he can do is to watch her from afar but Taehyung is Taehyung. She always does what she wants

She pulled him to that corner and now they are kissing. Jungkook pushed her softly just enough for her to stop but Taehyung is also tipsy, he can tell by the smell of her breath, Her hands never leaves a glass of champagne or wine


Taehyung gasp trying to reach him again but Jungkook holds her in place

Her eyelids are closing, hand to tye side of his face and jaws

"You're drunk"

"No I'm not.." she giggles

"Ma'am, anyone can see us here"
He hesitate. Be wouldn't like to be the reason for her to start a rumors but Taehyung is too occupied to think about that

"but ma'am"
He turns his head when she about to kiss him again instead he holds her close protectively

"If you want you i can take you home"

"Home? Home already?" She scoffs and frown

"I don't want to go home yet"

"Then maybe a place where you can rest, atleast until you're sober?"

"Yeah? Alright"
She leans to him instead of taking a lead to get of the place.. Jungkook smiles, she's expecting him to carry her out without saying anything but Jungkook hears her thoughts. He leans a little and hook his arms under her knees and scoop her. He's carrying her like a bride

She leans more getting comfortable in his chest with a proud smile while Jungkook making way out. He ignores the flashing lights from their cameras taking pictures of them

They reach their car though it takes time for them to get in, it makes hard for him to open it because Taehyung refuses to get down from his arms

Taehyung lays in the passenger seat while Jungkook make sure she's wearing a seatbelt. He leans to lock it but Taehyung pull him making him fall on top of her

He pull back a little to see her face. Taehyung is smiling staring back at him. Jungkook didn't know what's with her, why she's acting like this but Taehyung know what she wants and she wants him

Jungkook breaths. She's seducing him and it's affecting him, he's a man and Taehyung looks so damn gorgeous

"Kiss me"
She says silently and Jungkook captures her lips without thinking, her hands start to wander, griping on his shoulder and arms

"Fck, baby... are you sure?"
He asks between kisses. He can hear her thoughts so clearly but first he wants to do this in a proper way. He wants to make sure what they are. They are just telling each other that they like each other but doing this.. Jungkook knows what they are doing can lead to mating and mating for them is sacred

"Baby wait.."

He pull back leaning his both hand on her seat

"Don't you want me?"
Taehyung looks more sober than earlier. She is very much aware of what they are doing

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