You have your what pierced..?

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"Babe, have you seen my phone?" You hear Florence yell from outside the bathroom as you manoeuvre yourself into a clean shirt. You've just got done showering after a long day at work." I've looked everywhere! It's like it's disappeared!"

Your eyes skim instinctively around the bathroom, and you smirk slightly when you see her phone placed on the bathroom counter, "It's in here!" You call, grabbing a clean pair of sweatpants and shimmying into them.

The bathroom door handle turns, "Can I come in?"

You snort playfully, "Since when do you ask?" You tease as you pull open the door yourself.

Florence goes to retort with a sarcastic remark of her own, but she stops in her tracks when she takes in your current attire. Or more so, your chest. For a second, you were confused, but then you remember what you had done a little over a week ago and the smirk was back at full force.

"Eyes up here darling." You tease as you tap the underside of her chin.

Florence blinks and complies, her eyes wide with an undecipherable emotion, "Since when do you..." she pauses and glances down at your chest again. Her gaze lingers, and you snort slightly in amusement prompting her to once again meet your eyes. "Since when do you..." she seems to be unable to utter the words.

"As of a week ago," You tell her as you sidestep her and make your way through to the bedroom. "It was spontaneous."

"And you didn't tell me because?" She sounds offended, and you look up in time to see her leaning against the bathroom doorway with her arms crossed against her chest.

You laugh slightly as you begin to pull your hair back into a simple braid, "Because I wanted it to be a surprise," you tell her honestly, "but you found out before I could show you."

Florence eyes you suspiciously as she gets closer, and you open your legs allowing her to step in between them. She wraps her arms around your neck, and as your braid was now done, you circle your arms around her dress clad waist and hold her close.

"Can I see?" She asks with a small pout as her fingers tangle through the baby hairs at the nape of your neck. 

You look up at her with a smirk, and without a word, you hold up your arms as a silent instruction for her to remove your shirt. She gets the hint, and with her bottom lip trapped between her teeth, she grasps the bottom of your tank top and tugs it up and off your body.

The action brings her face to face with your bare chest, and her eyes widen when she takes in the two piercings sat on your chest. Her cheeks flush, and you notice the hands still clutching the tank top begin to tremble.

"Wow," you utter with a soft laugh as you tug her forward and onto your lap. She was easy to direct, her eyes never once leaving your chest as her legs settle either side of your hips. "I take it you like them?" You ask, and she hums in agreement as she finally brings her eyes away to meet your own.

"Do they hurt?" She asks, tentatively reaching a hand forward to touch one of them. Your breath hitches, and you roll your eyes at yourself ad you shake your head.

"Not anymore. But they're still at risk of getting sore if they're tugged in any sort of way." You haul yourself to your feet with Florence in your arms and dump her rather unceremoniously onto the bed. She lands with a soft grunt, and you lean down to place a short kiss to her lips before grabbing your shirt from her grasp and leaving the room.

"What's that supposed to mean!?"


Short but sweet. I hope you enjoyed!

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