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It was getting dark as you stand on the corner of the street in front of the restuarant where you and your date were supposed to be meeting.

You glance down at your watch, double checking the time. Seven twenty. A whole twenty minutes late. As you shift from foot to foot in an attempt at easing your throbbing feet, you look up to the sky and let out a quiet sigh. You knew you shouldn't have accepted the invitation, but apparently you were just too nice to say no.

You check the time in the top left corner of your phone again, wiping away the rain that had settled on the screen. Thankfully the restuarant had a canapy for you to stand under, but that wasn't stopping the wind from blowing it over to your body and dampening the front of your dress.

Normally, on any other date, you would have left by now, but honestly, you had nothing better to do and you were intrigued to see just what her excuse would be for being so late. Just as you put your phone away in the clutch bag you were carrying, you hear a ping of a new incoming message.

You unlock your bag and groan at not only the battery your phone was now on, but because of the message that was currently displayed on your lock screen.

Jordan: so sorry be there soon

Thirty minutes late to a first date. Not the best first impression.

Patience wearing thin, you put away your phone and decide to just wait for her inside. You were cold and a little irritated and you weren't about to make that worse by catching hypothermia too. Soon seated at the reserved table, you slip off your jacket and hook it over the back of your chair. You look up just in time to see a waitress heading towards you, so you force a smile onto your face not wanting to take your mood out on her.

"Hi, I'm Andy and I'll be serving you today. Can I get you anything to drink or would you like a few more minutes to decide?" She asks.

You shake your head, "I'm waiting on someone so a few more minutes would be good. Thank you though."

She nods and sends you a smile before walking away.

You let out a sigh and drop your head into your hands, fingers tangling through your hair. You were never accepting another date offer again.


Head whipping up, you come face to face with a pretty blonde staring down at you. By the red dress she said she'd be wearing, you knew this was Jordan.

"That's me." You nod and gestures to the chair opposite you.

She takes the imitative and sits down, placing her phone face up on the table in front of her, "I'm so sorry I'm late. I promise I'm not normally so unpunctual."

"No worries." You force a smile, catching Andy's gaze from the corner of your eye and gesturing her over, "What would you like to drink?"

"Wine. Please."

You nod again and look up when Andy stops just next to you, "Two wines please."

Andy nods, "Starters and appetisers?"

Food soon ordered, you reluctantly bring your attention back to Jordan. Surprisingly, she was paying absolutely no attention to her surroundings, her gaze purely on her phone which kept vibrating. If you looked close enough, you saw the name Lauren with a bunch of heart emojis next to it.

Well fuck you too Jordan.

You pointedly clear your throat and she startles slightly as she rips her eyes up to your own, "So...tell me something I don't know about you."

You had mutual friends so you knew a little about her, but not enough to initiate the casual conversation that most first dates had.

Jordan sighs lightly as her eyes flicker back and forth between you and her phone, "Umm, I have a dog."

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