Sick sick sick (drabble 6) Yelena

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"Come on," Yelena shouts giddily as the rain water from the puddles soak her legs, spinning in circles with her arms out either side of her. "This is so much fun."

You watch with a smile -from the very dry threshold of the doorway might you add, as Yelena jumps in yet another puddle. It was currently summer, and after weeks upon weeks of unbearable heat, the sky had finally let loose with a much needed torrential downpour.

It had started of small. Tiny drops of moisture dotting the windows and the cement, then with an almighty roar of thunder, it had begun to bucket it down.

The second Yelena had gotten a glance out of the window after putting away the dishes from lunch, there had been no stopping her. Both her shoes and coat had been left abandoned in the entry way of your home as she'd excitedly run outside, and despite your concerns that this decision might bite her in the butt, you couldn't deny just how adorable she looks.

Soon, the sound of wet feet hitting the cement catches your attention, and you flicker your eyes over just in time to see Yelena running full speed towards a large, still steadily growing puddle.

Your eyes widen. "Yelena no-" too late. She lands in the very centre, and the power of her feet hitting the water has her absolutely saturated. Seemingly uncaring over this fact, she lets out a loud laugh and wipes at her eyes before turning to face you with a proud grin.

You couldn't help but return it, not remembering the last time you'd seen her so happy. Knowing she'd be content by herself for a few moments, you disappear inside and grab a few towels from the laundry closet, not intending on letting her back inside when she'd be sure to drip water absolutely everywhere.

By the time you return, she was walking back towards the house looking like an adorably drowned rat, and you hold out one of the towels ready for her to step into. She does, and you don't miss the sigh of relief that escapes her lips as she allows you to pull her into her arms.

"Did you have fun?" You murmur as you close and lock your front door before securing your arms around the small, shivering blonde, cupping the back of her head with one hand whilst the other rubs up and down her back in a futile attempt at warming her up.

She nods, "So much." She murmurs contently as she nuzzles her nose into your neck, and you couldn't help but smile as you press your lips against the side of her head. With the knowledge that she probably wouldn't willingly leave your arms for at least some time, you bend and lift her with the intention of giving her a lift to the bathroom so she could shower.

"I'm not a baby." She grumbles, but wraps her legs around your waist anyway, and you roll your eyes fondly as you pat her behind and begin making your way up the stairs.

"Being held doesn't make you a baby," you remind her like you've done many times before, and though she grumbles, she doesn't retort knowing you were speaking the truth. Once you've made it to the bathroom, you set her down on her feet and cup her face before placing a kiss to her forehead.

Her cheeks flush, and you smile softly as you pull away from her. "Go shower and I'll make us some hot chocolate, okay?"

"With whipped cream and marshmallows?" She tilts her head to the side, and you nod with a knowing smile.

"Duh." You retort, and Yelena playfully flips you off before turning towards the shower. Taking that as a dismissal, you turn to leave the room making sure to close the door behind you.

You hum softly to yourself as you begin preparing the drinks, adding a little more chocolate to Yelena's own knowing that's how she prefers it. After adding a sufficient amount of whipped cream and marshmallows, you carry both cups through to the living room just in time for Yelena to make an appearance at the bottom of the stairs.

"You should dry your hair." you say in place of a greeting as you give her a knowing look, sitting down on the couch and picking up the remote. Yelena huffs in fake annoyance as she comes to sit next to you, tucking her bare feet beneath your thigh as she reaches for her drink.

"It will be fine. You worry too much." She mumbles distractedly as she sticks out her tongue to scoop up a marshmallow, and you watch her for a second before rolling your eyes with a fond sigh.

You knew it was another decision that would later bite her in the ass.

"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you." You muse as you select frozen 2 on Disney +, a known favourite of Yelena's that she would watch at least twice a week.


And warn her you did. Just two days later, Yelena had fallen ill with such a heavy cold you wondered just how she was alive. She was severely congested. Hazy with a high fever, and that wasn't even mentioning the continuous coughs and sneezes.

"Baby, you know the beds a whole lot more comfortable right?" You murmur in quiet amusement as you reach out to gently brush a damp strand of hair out of the sick Russians face.

Yelena simply grunts in acknowledgment as she wipes uselessly at her running nose, and you fondly roll your eyes as you lean down to press a kiss to her warm forehead. "I'll go get the bed ready okay? You stay here." You speak, and this time, Yelena doesn't even acknowledge you. She simply closes her eyes and falls into what you could only assume was a fitful sleep.

You weren't offended by the action. Yelena was notoriously grumpy when feeling sick, and due to the fact you'd been together for over three years, it was something you were pretty much used to. The same couldn't be said when you first got together, but that was a story for another time.

With another sigh, -because it sucked when she was sick, even if it wasn't self inflicted- you leave the living room and make your way up to your shared bedroom. The bed was neatly made, just as it was everyday, and you don't waste any time in pulling the covers back and knocking the decorative pillows out of the way .

You make sure there were tissues and water readily available on the nightstand before heading back over to the sick blonde, and you couldn't help but smile when you realise she was in the exact same position you'd left her in.

Well, excluding her nose that was yet again running. Without a word, you grab a few tissue from the box on the coffee table and fold them in half before crouching down before her and pinching the end of her nose in a futile effort to get rid of the dripping snot.

She rouses slightly at the action, her face scrunching up in discomfort, and you quietly shush her with a gentle hand on her stomach as you finish with your task and make quick work of sanitising your hands.

"Time for bed baby, come on." You reach out and give her behind a few steady pats in a futile effort  at rousing her. Yelena whines quietly as she lazily bats your hands away, and you chuckle slightly as you instead reach up to gently pat her upper back. "Lena? Come on. Time to get up."

Yelena again, bats your hand away, her eyes flickering open and sending you a pretty deadly glare. Before she could chew you out, you scoot a little closer and cup her cheek. Without thought, Yelena falls into your soothing touch, and your lips quirk up at the corners as you trail the pad of your thumb over warm skin.

"Let's get you in bed, okay?" You murmur, and Yelena sniffles wetly as she gently bobs her head up and down. You release her face and go to stand up, but a gentle whine stops you in your tracks. You look down and see her staring at you with a pleading look on her face.

"What is it baby?" You question, and whilst Yelena's cheeks flush a light shade of red, she seemingly responds to you with ease.

"Carry me? Please?" She murmurs, and your heart melts in your chest as you immediately nod your head. Normally, it was only ever you who insinuates holding her. So for her to ask, whilst nearly unbelievable, was absolutely amazing.

With a smile, you bend down and wrap your arms around her midsection. You lift her with relative ease, her legs hooking tightly around your waist as she buries her head into your neck. With an arm remaining beneath her behind for support, you bring the other one up to cup the back of her head and press a tender kiss to her shoulder.

"I've got you, baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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