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This is technically part 2 to beach day, but it can be read on its own!

Trigger warning for negative talk about losing weight.


"Flo? I'm home baby." You call as you push open the front door and step inside, making quick work of hanging up both your jacket and bag before closing it behind you. Silence greets you, and you frown in confusion. Normally, Florence would greet you at the door, seemingly able to sense the very second you made it back to hers. You never normally had to make yourself known so the fact that you had to do that today along with her being nowhere in sight, it was safe to say you were a little concerned.

"Florence?" You call as you make your way into the living room. Empty. She wasn't in the kitchen either so you assume she was somewhere upstairs. Grabbing a bottle of water, you unscrew it and take a sip as you make your way up the large staircase.

You push open her bedroom door the second you were close enough, and that's when you see her. She was stood facing away from you in front of the large floor length mirror in nothing but a pair of panties. You take a few seconds to admire the heavenly sight before walking further into the room, and that's when you see it.

She was crying silently, cheeks wet and eyes bloodshot.

"Flo?" You question as you step behind her and wrap your arms around her bare waist, "What's wrong baby?" Your voice was a quiet murmur.

She tenses a little in your hold, something that furthers your concern because that was something she never does. However, she doesn't push you away, and you were at least grateful for that. You tighten your grip around her a little, and you feel her suck her tummy in which was definitely a cause of concern.

Something was definitely very wrong.

"Don't do that," you murmur, loosening your grip ever so slightly so you could pull her away from her reflection. You turn her to face you and pull her into a tight hug, placing your hand soothingly on the back of her head. Thankfully, she returns the embrace, but that doesn't stop you from worrying about what you'd walked in on.

"What happened?" You murmur into her hair, and you feel her let out a heavy sigh into the material of your shirt before pulling herself away from you. You allow this, but continue to watch in concern as she tugs on an oversized shirt and sweatpants.

"Nothing happened." She forces a smile onto her face, but you continue to stare her down knowing her words were a load of bull crap.

You narrow your eyes, "Why'd you suck in when I hugged you? Why were you crying? Did someone say something?"

Florence looks away from you and straightens the already straight sheets in the bed, "It doesn't matter, please drop it." You hear the begging undertone of her voice, and whilst a part of you wants to comply to save an argument, you couldn't. Someone had said something; possibly about her body that had upset her and you weren't dropping the subject until she told you who it was.

"I can't Flo," you sit down on the end of her bed and run a hand through your hair. It had grown a lot in the past year and it fell to your waist. Maybe it was time to get a haircut.

"Please tell me what happened?" You almost beg, and Florence stares at you with a look you couldn't quite decipher.

A part of you thinks she was gonna snap, but instead, her eyes fill with tears and a single one falls down her cheeks. Heart breaking, you scoot back a little and hold open your arms. Florence hesitates, but steps forward and allows you to pull her onto your lap. Her legs settle either side of your own, and you feel her holding up her weight as not to put it all on you. Frowning, you tug her down properly and let out a thankful sigh when the familiar weight of her fills your lap.

Much better.

She doesn't seem ready to talk just yet, and you don't force her too. Upsetting her further was the last thing you wanted, especially when she appears to be doing a good job of that all on her own. So you simply hold her close, rocking her trembling frame back and forth.

"It's okay baby, I've got you." You sooth.

Florence nods mutely as her legs tighten around your hips, and you squeeze her all the more closer.

"The paps got pictures of us at the beach." Her voice fills the room in a hoarse whisper, and you nod, now understanding why she'd gotten upset.

She doesn't let you answer before speaking again, "I think I'm going to go on a diet."

You abruptly pull her away from you and grasp her wrists with both your hands. You manage that task easily, proving just how tiny she really was. There was no gap when you circled your own wrists. "If that's what you want, then we'll do it safely and together. But if you're doing this because of what those fuckers have written about you, then you and I are about to have an extremely long conversation."

Florence bites her bottom lip and looks anywhere but at you proving the last part of your sentence to be correct. You let out a small sigh as you release her wrists and use a hand to gently turn her head towards you. She compiles reluctantly, and you lean forward to place a gentle kiss to her lips.

"I'm going to tell you what you told me," you start as you pull away ever so slightly, leaving a taunting centimetre of space between your lips, "The only person's opinion that matters about your body is your own. And if my opinion matters; I think you and your curves are absolutely beautiful."

Florence sniffles, "I don't want to believe them, but it's hard not to when I can't leave the house without them mentioning how I look."

You nod, "I know baby."

She doesn't seem to hear you.

"And I know I'm not as tiny as I used to be, but I was struggling then. I wasn't eating properly and I was purposely ignoring anyone who said anything about it. But that's better now, I'm eating properly and it's not my fault my metabolism isn't what-"

You cut her off by pressing your lips against her own, and she lets out a muffled squeak of surprise before kissing back, her hands coming up to cup your cheeks.

Your own hands slide underneath her shirt, and without another word you slip it up and off of her body. She doesn't fight you as your lips begin making a soft trail down her neck, and you grasp her hips coaxing her closer. Florence moans quietly as she tilts her head back giving you more space to work with, her hips beginning a gentle rocking motion against you. Your hands move from her hips up to cup her perky breasts, and you waste no time in ravaging them with your tongue.

"You have no idea how gorgeous you are, do you?" You ask rhetorically as you connect your lips back to her own. Florence groans softly as your hands palm her behind, encouraging her hips to move faster. "You are out of this world Florence, and I'm going to show you just how beautiful I think you are."

You grip her ass and flip her over, placing your body over her own. Her legs settle around your hips, and as the night goes on you lose count of how many hours you spend in between her legs; how many times you make her come and how many words of encouragement and cries of pleasure escape her lips.

All that was important to you was letting her know just how much you loved and cherished every single inch of her body. When her thighs instinctively close around your head for the fifth and final time and she agrees with just how beautiful you thought she was when she came, you figured your message was loud and clear. She was panting heavily, soft beads of sweat dotted around her face and chest, and when she tugs you up, you comply, pressing soft kisses along her stomach, breasts and neck on the journey upwards.

"You are so beautiful." You murmur before pressing your lips oh so gently against her own. She pulls away moments later, murmuring a quiet yet genuine thank you baby into your ear as her thumbs trace delicate circles against the soft skin of your cheek.


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