Sooo Stuffies?

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AOB Nyssara, if you don't like these stuff please skip.

"Wait stuffed animals? I thought it was a scent thing?" To say Sara's confused would be an understatement, it's not exactly like she learned about nesting in school, probably because she never paid attention to any of the lessons but who cares.

"Yup! Oliver got me this cute one that looks like a computer" Felicity said with a lovesick smile on her face."It's also a comfort thing, and what's more comforting than a bunch of stuffed animals?"

"Right..." It makes sense, sort of, omega's nest before their heat and that time is stressful to them, so it would make sense they'd want to be comfortable. "I wonder if Nyssa would even like that though." She mutters.

"I mean, she's head over heels for you, I think she'll like whatever you give her." Felicity assured her.


So that's how she ends up in the biggest toy store in Star city, Her first step in is filled with children laughing, the sound of display toys making their various noises, it's a bit overwhelming to the senses.

She's startled out of her daze by a worker walking over, a woman with a smile on her face, "Can I help you find anything today?"

"Uh, yeah," Sara blinks away her stupor, she's here on a mission. Like an assassination but more friendly, a wallet assassination. "Stuffed animals, where would those be?"

The woman points towards the back of the store, where Sara can just barely see something fluffy sticking over the aisles. "All the way in the back, there's a few rows of them, would you like me to show you?"

Sara shakes her head, giving her own smile, "Nah that's okay, thank you." The woman just nods and Sara sets off to find the perfect stuffed animal for Nyssa.

The problem lay in when she got to the massive area because there were... A lot of them. Sara couldn't fuck this up, she had to get it absolutely perfect.

So she started digging, it was mostly animals of course, but curiously enough there were some plush that looked like a snow leopard. It reminded her of her beloved, fierce, striking and elegant. Oh yeah this is definitely coming home with her today.

So Sara tucks it under her arm, even if Nyssa doesn't want it, she'll keep it.

Sara walks through each aisle, grabbing the softest looking stuffed animals she can find, the pile in her arms growing taller and taller until she spots it. The perfect stuffed animal.


Sara's smile is bright as she kicks off her shoes, still toting at least seven bags of stuffed animals, along with a very special one, before heading up the stairs.

"Babe! I got you something!" She grins, nudging the door open to find Nyssa staring at several blankets with a serious expression. Omega's took pride in their nests, and she knew how much of a perfectionist Nyssa could be.

"What did you-" Nyssa finally looked over, blinking a few times, "Sara...what are those?" She asks with a confused smile.

Sara walked into the room, taking care not to step on the nest currently being built, setting everything down on a clear section of the floor. "So I was talking to Felicity the other day, she was talking about how Oliver had gotten her a stuffed animal that looked like a computer and..." Sara glances away from her omega's quizzical stare, nervously rubbing the back of her neck, "I may have gone a bit overboard but I just want to give you everything you deserve."

"Sara," She hesitates before finally looking over, there's nothing but love in Nyssa's face, really she's a fool to think there would be anything else. "I love them but perhaps this was a bit much habibti"

Sara winces slightly because yeah, there's definitely way too many. "I sort of just kept grabbing them until I ended up with like thirty." She gave a shy chuckle before brightening, "But look!" Sara moves the bags aside revealing an absolutely massive stuffed Leopard, a stuffed leopard to be exact, "There were some kids sitting on it in the store and it looked comfy, plus... It reminded me of you sooo" She scratched her neck, nervous.

Nyssa's face is soft, brows pulling together with that gentle smile on her face, " You never cease to amaze me do you my love?"

"I fall deeper in love with you everyday Ta'er al sahfer" Nyssa whispers, her eyes sparkling with love. Sara moves closer, just to the edge of the nest, but not entering it yet, never until Nyssa gives her permission. "And I you babe, I'll keep loving you till my last breath"

Nyssa chuckles, meeting her at the edge, "charmer" She tsks before leaning down for a quick kiss.

"So you like them?" Sara asks, trying to hide her nerves.

"Habibti" Nyssa starts, bringing a hand to her cheek, "I love it, and I love you." Sara beams at that, pleased at the thought she did her omega well, "Though these smell terrible so they aren't going in my nest until we wash and scent them." She says with a grin, giving a gentle kiss before pulling away.

Sara just laughs, watching Nyssa for a moment as she goes back to her nest. "Anything for you."

Is it a bird? is it a plane? Oh It's Sara on a treeWhere stories live. Discover now