This is too fucking easy!

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It's been a couple of days since that slime incident. According to some citizens, the entrace exam is in 3 months. Should you train? Maybe. Are you gonna train hard? Nah. Knowing these people, you could just punch them in the gut and win. Anyways, let's do this.

You fly over to the junkyard, grabbing a delivery truck, and you start lifting it. After a while, you grab a crane, tearing off the wrecking ball. You begin to do a hammer throw with the wrecking ball, throwing it into space.

"Eh." You shrugged, getting back to work.

You got a hydraulic press somehow, you had to make sure it didn't separate. You lasted a while, but got bored. You then made sure they didn't touch, vice versa.

You then went over to a mirror, and seen how long you could last against your own lasers. You lasted about an hour. " Jesus, now I know how those criminals feel." You sigh, now testing your flying skills AND your endurance.

You start flying through multiple scraps of metal, breaking through each one. You then get ready for the rest of the mont- training.

This entrance exam is gonna be a piece of cake.


Your stats were way better than last time. You lasted a whole week against your lasers, and could fly through solid objects way easier.

"Now, let's just find U.A." You flew over and found it immediately. Pretty fucking obvious, considering the building design. You drop down, shocking some people. "Don't worry, just me." God attention from other people is You walk into the building, finding a seat, sitting down.

Meh, fuck this. You'll just take a nap instead...

And suddenly, you hear: "And you with the slick-backed hair!" A voice shouts, you turn to it. "Hm? Whaddya want?" You ask.

"You shouldn't sleep during a-" You interrupted him.

"Listen, I'm gonna stop you right there, four eyes. Can you see into the future with them glasses? If so, you can see me kicking your ass." You heard a couple students chuckle. 

"Alright! Alright! That's enough." The announcer guy says. You take a look at a card in front of you. "Zone C? Hmph." You then leave as soon as...the rules? Whatever this was, ended. You head to the doors.

You wait for the doors to open, and as soon as they did, you flew straight in. You spot some robots, they have numbers on them. "Huh. Sorta like a video game. Good thing I'm the player."

You now use your laser eyes to get rid of the robots. Huh. This is too fucking easy!

You then continue to laser through, smash through, or crush robots. You then heard something rumbling. You turn, and spot a giant robot. "Alright! Some fucking competition!" You fly over, seeing most students run. You sigh "Typical fucking cowards..." You then shot some lasers at it, if you were going to fight this thing, you weren't just gonna kill it immediately. 

You then laser it's arms off, as you then fly through it's torso plenty of times, damaging it majorily, as some sparks were coming through it's chest, you fly out. You then aim for it's head, laser it clean off, as you grab it, putting it on top of your back.. You then fly down with it, aiming for the street, as you land, the head gets crushed into a large pile of scrap. You rub whatever debris you had on you.

"Dude! That was awesome!" You hear someone shout, more people gather around, a crowd. They keep complimenting you "The way you just tore through him!" "The laser eyes were so cool!" This...was amazing. You were finally giving the praise you deserve.

Sadly, the entrance exam ended, as you went home. You then flew back home, and went to sleep. By the next day, you went to check the mail. You got a letter, and went back to the apartment. 

It showed a hologram. Of All Might. "Hello there, Y/N L/N..." You just ignored the rest until the one special part got you attention " scored with a whopping 70 points! Congratulations, welcome to U.A." You then threw the letter across the room. "Welp, I'll go back to sleep." You say, shutting your eyes. It doesn't matter now that you know you're going to U.A.

I'm The Homelander (My Hero Academia X Male Homelander Reader)Where stories live. Discover now