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Mafuyu pov

He's dead. I can't breathe. I can't think. I can't move. Why is he dead? Why is he not alive? I move over to his lifeless body. His skin is pale, too pale, sickly pale, his lips are colorless, his eyes shut, shut forever. What? What's happening? This isn't real, right? There is no pulse. There is no heartbeat. There is no sign of anything. Just a cold body. A corpse. No breathe. No emotion. No thoughts. But he's.. He lays there, unmoving in his hospital bed, his body concealed within the soft white sheets.
"I'm sorry.. " I blurt out.
Time seemed to stop. He was just there, dead. He, who I'd known since I was born  I was never going to see him or hear his voice. My father. My father. My father my father my father. I never appreciated him, but now he's gone, he'll never speak again, never move, never speak. I cry. I cry and feel emotion for the first time in years. It starts as a single tear, then develops into horrible, loud, desperate sobbing. It's my fault. His child never loved him. His child never appreciated him. He died unloved by me.  

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