The True Natures of the Stepfamily

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It is not long before Sora follows her stepfamily back into the house. She quickly encounters her stepmother in the room just next to the front door as soon as Sakura says...

Sakura Motomiya: Hello, dear Sora.

That is when Sakura extends her arms out for Sora to cry into. Sora obliges to her stepmother's comfortable request, but then Sakura places her left hand next to her on the foot stool. Sora starts to cry over her father leaving her on her own for the first time in her life, and Sakura extends her arms out to comfort Sora.

Sakura Motomiya (continued): Now, now, mustn't blub.

Sora Takenouchi: Yes, stepmother.

Sakura Motomiya: Oh, you need not call me that.

Sakura then wipes Sora's tears away just as her mother, Toshiko, used to. The only real difference being that Sakura seems afterwards to have had an ulterior motive for wiping away her stepdaughter's tears.

Sakura Motomiya (continued): 'Madam' will do.

Just then, Jun and Leilani come into the hall just beyond the room and fight up a storm... well, Jun fights up a storm with her sister, while Leilani simply gives her sister the silent treatment.

Jun Motomiya: I need more room than you do. My bed needs to be bigger. I need my own space.

Jun is doing all the arguing for both of them, while Leilani just continues to say nothing and even gives Jun a 'talk to the hand' motion if only to shut up her sister's griping and complaining.

Jun Motomiya (continued): Oh, you not just give me the hand. Well since you're not willing to talk, I guess I'm just wasting my breath arguing with you. And guess what, Leilani, two can play the game of 'silent treatment'. It's gonna be a library in here. That's right. You're about to hear pins dropping. I'VE GOT ALL THE QUIET IN THE WORLD.

Leilani finally talks to her sister if only to tell Jun that she was still talking and very bad at the silent treatment.

Leilani Motomiya: JUN, you're still talking.

Jun, however, saw what Leilani said to her as a win for Jun.

Jun Motomiya: Well at least, I got you talk while you couldn't get me to shut up.

Leilani Motomiya: I only spoke to you to tell you that you were still talking. The silent treatment is where you're being quiet in your fury. That's why it's called 'the silent treatment', and not the 'let's-all-talk-for-days-on-end-just-because-I-feel-like-I-could-do-it treatment'.

Jun Motomiya: You mean like the way you're doing it, right now?

Leilani Motomiya: The only reason why I am talking right now to tell you how 'the silent treatment' is supposed to work.

Jun Motomiya: Well then since you're so intent on making your point, why don't we ask mother about it?

Leilani Motomiya: It's no use, right now. She's busy with Sora.

Jun Motomiya: Don't care. We'll ask Sora about it, too... that is, if she can be of any help on the matter.

Sakura Motomiya: Well, if it isn't my so very... affectionate... daughters. How's everything going between the two of you, Jun and Leilani? Are the two of getting along well enough, or at least being civilized about handling your problems?

Leilani Motomiya: Why, yes, we are, mother and Sora. I even brought you some tea. Allow me to pour your cups.

Jun starts to look quite disgusted by Leilani's attempt at kissing up to their mother and being friendly towards their stepsister.

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