All Hail King Matt and Queen Sora!

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Meanwhile back in one of the far more important rooms from within the royal palace, Sora, Prince Matt and all their friends join King Hiroaki as he is finally ready to pass the crown onto his son. Everyone present looks at the portraits of Sora's parents, King Hiroaki and his Queen from when she was still alive. Sora sighs at both of her parents' portraits contently. 

Sora Takenouchi: My parents would've loved you and your wife, your majesty. 

Hiroaki looks at his son, Matt, and Sora with such pride that his heir has finally settled down with such a nice girl to become his wife. Sora may not be the princess of any kingdom, but her personality certainly befits that of a princess. 

King Hiroaki Ishida: It is highly respectful to address the king under such a title, Dear Sora, but considering our present relationship, perhaps just calling me 'dad' would be enough to suffice for you instead. 

Hiroaki then hands his new daughter-in-law off to his son. 

King Hiroaki Ishida (continued): Thank you, Dear Sora. I hope you and my son, King Matt, live a happy life together for the rest of it all. 

Captain Wisemon then thought up an idea about Sora. 

Captain Wisemon: We simply must have a portrait of you painted, Miss Sora. 

Sora, however, had an objection to this idea from the captain, even after he had assisted Prince Matt in bringing her back to the palace. 

Sora Takenouchi: I'm dreadfully sorry, Captain Wisemon, but I really mustn't agree to that idea, as I do so hate myself in paintings, even for the grand hall of a royal palace. 

Taichi 'Tai' Yagami/Kamiya: It's true, Captain Wisemon. She does. 

Wisemon only chuckles at how this newfound information about Sora reminds him so much of his next king once Hiroaki has passed the crown onto his son, Matt. 

Captain Wisemon: Oh, she's definitely perfect for our new king, alright, in so many ways. 

Then, Wisemon turns himself back toward Matt and Sora. 

Captain Wisemon (continued): All joking aside, however, my queen, I sincerely think that in order to be a just and fair ruler of the kingdom, you simply need to always maintain the love in your heart. 

Prince Yamato 'Matt' Ishida: Be kind. 

Sora Takenouchi: And brave. 

Prince Yamato 'Matt' Ishida: And all will be well. 

King Hiroaki Ishida: Are you ready for this next step, my son? 

Prince Yamato 'Matt' Ishida: I'll face anything, so long as I can have my new queen by my side.

Sora Takenouchi: I wouldn't miss this for the world, my Matt. 

As Jim and another lieutenant from within the royal guard push the doors open for the newly married couple and the husband's father, King Hiroaki, Prince Matt, and Sora head out the door with Captain Wisemon supporting the king on his way out to the grand hall's balcony. Jim's younger brother and the royal physician's apprentice, Joe, gives Matt and Sora a look of approval while his newly obtained girlfriend, Leilani, Sora's stepsister who has been spared of the punishment her mother and sister now face in the kitchen and the laundry room along with the former grand duke, gives the both of them a certifiable thumbs up gesture with both of her hands. Tai and his girlfriend, Meiko, smile at Matt and Sora. 

King Hiroaki and Captain Wisemon finally make it onto the balcony with much of a struggle from where the king intends to reveal his announcement to his loyal subjects. 

King Hiroaki Ishida: My people, the time has finally come for me to relinquish my throne and pass it onto the next generation in my family. 

As the coronation ceremony begins, Prince Matt is finally crowned King Matt with Sora as his queen. 

King Yamato 'Matt' Ishida: My Queen. 

Sora Takenouchi: My Matt. 

Then, the new king and his queen share a kiss that is seen by that of the whole kingdom, and both Matt and Sora are counted to be the fairest and the kindest rulers the kingdom had ever known. Sora continues to see the world not for what it is, but rather for what it can be with a ton of love, belief in kindness and bravery, and perhaps even a little bit of the occasional feeling of magic. 

A month later, King Hiroaki passes away after finding peace in the knowledge that his son has married a good woman to be his queen. Unfortunately for him, King Hiroaki's death happens just in time for Queen Sora to find herself with a child. Though his father has passed on just when his queen is finally pregnant with their first child, King Matt is happy that he had been able to wish his father farewell at his dying hour just in time to tell the man about Sora's pregnancy. The birth of the royal couple's first ever child, however, is a story for another day. 

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