A Life of Eternal Palace Servitude

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Sakura and Jun are sentenced to a life of washing the servants' clothes and Grand Duke Myotismon is sentenced to being the janitor who would clean up after the animals for the rest of his life. Needless to say, not even one of them ever will ever be seeing the throne room again any time soon, not even while they are dreaming. The head servant of the palace's laundry room educates Sakura and Jun on their new purposes in life, as crummy as they may be. She starts giving out her instructions in the palace laundry room with Sakura.

Head laundry servant: After you two have washed the tablecloths, you can start on the napkins then onto the kitchen uniforms.

Then, the head laundry room servant instructs Jun about her new purpose going further forward in her life.

Head laundry servant (continued): And you can move those over there.

Sakura Motomiya: Jun!

Jun Motomiya: What?!

Sakura Motomiya: Well, you heard the woman. No time to dillydally.

Jun Motomiya: So did you. Chop-chop, mother!

Sakura Motomiya: Yes, dear, but I'm management!

Jun cannot believe what her mother is saying to her about slacking off like a lazy-bones.

Jun Motomiya: Like heck you are! You're just the same as me, a big nobody!

With that exchanging of words between Sakura and Jun, the most horrible mother-and-daughter-duo in the kingdom's history get into yet another fight about their own standing.

Sakura Motomiya: How dare you speak to me that way. I am of noble blood.

It is at that point that the head laundry servant is already fed up with their arguing and bickering at one another.

Head laundry servant: And you are getting on my nerves!

With this comment from her to the both of them, the head laundry servant swats both Sakura and Jun into a vat of purple dye with a laundry bag... and a very heavy laundry bag, at that. The other laundry servants simply laugh at the two of them, as does the head laundry servant.

Head laundry servant (continued): Now, get to work.

The laundry servants just continue laughing at the disobedient and lazy screw-ups of the newly recruited laundry servants who are all of their juniors in the laundry room. Jun just continues with her temper tantrum, while Sakura just sits in the vat of dye in a seething, horrendous, yet silent rage.

Jun Motomiya: This is so unfair. Why did Leilani get out of this punishment while we're forced to bear its full burden?

The former grand duke of the kingdom comes into the laundry room while chasing the prince's dog that just does not want to be caught and happens to hear everything Jun says during the time. Then, he slips on a banana peel and loses his balance, much to the enjoyment of the prince's dog.

Grand Duke Myotismon: You two? You think the two of you have problems with your new lives?

All three of the nobilities turned servants are laughed at in such a miserable manner to no end.

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