Part 3

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So  I'm sorry for not updating sooner(; ̄^ ̄)ん~. School has been stressful. But bro the teachers all up in our asses about work like damn. And all up in our business like just fuck off man let us talk in peace. Anyway here is part 3.♡´・ᴗ・'♡ oh and it will be your pov and I will be using "I" cause I realise that people do that so that is what I'm going to do now but I am to lazy to fix the other parts so from now on it will be like this

Your short pov

I look over at Vance and see him looking at me. He looked nervous but I just shrugged it off. I nod my head and smile. I see him smile a little then turn away.

Vance short pov

I saw her read the note. I'll admit I was nervous. Then she looks at me. I hope she couldn't tell that I was nervous. She looked at me before nodding and giving a small smile. I smirk and turn to look out the window. I had done it I got a date with her.

Back to your pov

I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. I turn around it was a boy with black hair. He was pretty cute. He winked and I felt my self start to blush. "Shit stop y/n you already found 3 guys today you need to stop". I thought to myself. I turn back around shaking my head dismissing the thought.
The bell rings and I start packing my stuff. But then I felt someone tap my shoulders. " hey are you new"? I look up and see that it was the same boy from earlier. "Oh uh yea I'm y/n you"? I stand up with my books in hand. " I'm Bruce yamada". "Well it was nice meeting you but I have to go to my next class". I say turning for the door. I realize that Vance handy left either and other kids started piling into the room.
I quickly rush out and look for Robin lucky for me I found him almost reaching a classroom. "Hey Robin". I say scaring h slightly. "Oh hey y/n I was looking for you but didn't find you so I was heading to class". I just nod but then grab his hand and pulled him into the classroom. Not many kids where there yet so you found a seat for you and Robin.

I'mma time skip to lunch cause it's just going to get  boring😑

I didn't have the class before lunch with anyone I knew so I sat alone and tried to stay in the back hidden. I was finishing up the work we where assigned when the bell rang for lunch. I grab my things and headed to the lunch room. I grab a tray but I couldn't see any of my friends. Then I feel a rap on my shoulder. I turn and see a boy with waves hair.
" hey I'm Billy Showalter you look lost do you wanna sit with me"?  I just nod and when I was walking over I saw finney, robin, Vance, and Bruce. When I got over I sat next to Billy then all eyes where on me.
I was starting to get nervous so I hide my face. "Guys I think we are scarring her". Finney sai. Yea no shit finney.
I thought. But I at and they went on talking  I zoned out. Their conversation had nothing to do with me. Then I felt me being shaked. I look and see them with worried expressions. " y/n are you ok you where spacing out and we called you like 5 times". Bruce put his hand on mine and I just look at how trying not to blush.
"Yea I'm fine excuse me I need to go to the bathroom". I say getting up from the table. " wait y/-". Before he could say another word I rushed out. When I got to the bathroom I went in a stall trying to clam down. I walk out of the stall and splash eater on my face hopping it would settle the redness on my face. As soon as I was about to leave the door opened and someone pushed me farther into the bathroom.
"So slut you trying to steal my men well that's not going to fly girls hold her". I see two girls try to get my arms but I slipped away. Just then the girl who called me a slut punched me. I wasn't gonna take any of that. So I punched her back. We started fighting. She punched my nose causing it to start bleeding. I punched her harder in the nose hearing a snap. I broke her nose. I started punching her goons. They ended up on the floor. I walk out and back into the cafeteria.
People started starring I was covering in blood and my nose was bleeding and I had some cuts.

With the boys a few minutes prier to the fight but when you where gone.

Billy pov

"Guys let's make a promise". I say gaining the attention of the other boys. " what promise "? Vance asked. "That we will protect you/n and love her more than anything". I said the boys instantly promised. I know it's not going to change what happened before y/n but this time nothing with happen to the girl we love. Not again not ever.

Ok so I wanted to end it here for a little suspense so that's why it's not longer and the next chapter will be the past and what happened and the person that he is taking about is not you but I'm not going to spoil it anyways love you all bye😗✌💅

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