Chapter Three

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The morning brought nothing but thoughts of work to Rylie, and lunchtime, only worry and stress over their workload.

They worked for a call center regarding credit cards. Even after their first day of work several years ago, they had decided they would never get any sort of credit card for themself. Never. The pain and cruelty they dealt with over the phone day after day completely nipped any desire they had right in the bud.

Once off of work, Rylie went home. They played with their pet bird, played video games, cooked, and then slept after eating. As life always did, it returned to its scheduled monotony. Day after day passed, with nary a thought in Rylie's mind regarding the strange man.

But though those thoughts never struck them while the sun crept across the sky, once it fell, and the moon rose to take its place, Rylie found themself stuck in strange dreams.

Heat coursed through them, touching every nerve ending, dancing arcs of dangerous sensations across their skin, and twisting their mind until no clear thoughts could remain.

They didn't see as much as they felt. Large, powerful hands held their hips in a vice-grip. Silk sheets rubbed against their bare backside.

Rylie arched their front into whoever was on top of them. His body was rock hard—literally—and radiated a summer heat that warmed every inch of Rylie's insides. Their legs held him in an equally firm grip, desperate to pull him further inside of them. And deep inside them, he was. His body moved against theirs, playing them like a violin, teasing the dirtiest sounds from their wide-open mouth. They couldn't hold in a single moan or whimper as his tongue rolled against their skin and as he dug his teeth into that soft bit of flesh between their collar bone and throat.

Something entered their mouth. At first, Rylie thought it was a finger. But it did things no finger could do. Completely versatile, it had an odd shape at the tip; like that of a scythe. It thickened further down the appendage. It didn't taste like flesh and neither was it salty. The appendage pulsated inside their mouth in a strange kiss that left Rylie's chest straining for air.

Rylie shot out of bed, their alarm blaring. Slapping the snooze button as fast as they could, Rylie collapsed back into their bed, panting hard. Their pajamas clung to them uncomfortably as sweat poured down every inch of their skin.

Bringing a hand up to their face, Rylie gently touched their cheek, which certainly had to be as red as it felt. Carding their fingers through their sticky orange hair, Rylie took a second just to catch their breath again.

What the hell? They thought to themself. What the absolute hell.

As Rylie's sensibilities trickled back, they realized that a certain ache in their core was still lingering. They squirmed beneath the sheets of their bed as their heart continued to thrum in their chest. Sucking in a deep breath, Rylie closed their eyes, focusing on their breathing.

But as soon as that soft blackness overtook them, Rylie found themself yet again picturing that dream. The phantom touches inside of them. Inside their mouth, of all places. Their own whimpers reverberated in their ears like a bell.

Rylie's eyes flashed open again. Clawing themself out of bed, they glanced at their phone. Not enough time to do anything to take care of themself, but just enough for a cold shower before work.

Throwing off their covers, although not the dream, Rylie immediately stepped into their normal morning routine. Minus the cold shower, of course.

After giving Beepers his morning pets and snacks, Rylie headed out the door for work, already putting the strange dream out of their mind for that day. Although successful, they knew that as soon as the next morning rolled around again, the dream would continue.

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