A crossover?!?!?

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|Author's note|

So, everyone let me say thank you for our 3k views status never thought my first ever fanfiction would get this much since I am really inexperienced, but I am having so much writing for all of you, so I just want to say again thank you. Now on to the story for today It will be crossover with another story that I have but it was not made by me my sister is actually the one that made it and I just manage it by fixing errors and adding flare and responding to comments. This will be like part of the story that does happen but it is not significant so it just happens on the side where no one will notice. Now on to the story.

|Author notes end|

Anastasia was sitting on the couch of the Mansion bored with nothing to do and got an idea.

Anastasia: Gate: Liber phantasiarum

A portal then opens, and a book comes out.

Anastasia: Hm a certain fem Accelerator huh?

Anastasia: That is the same name as papa let me call him

Anastasia: PAPA!!

Accelerator comes bursting in with his hand in his pockets.

Accelerator: What is it kid?

Anastasia: Can you call the girl you papa?

Accelerator: Sure, but why?

Anastasia: Just do it Papa!!

Accelerator: Tch Ok but this better be for a good reason or else you will be punished

Accelerator then walks out and comes back a few minutes with Suzushina.

Suzushina: What did you want brat?

Anastasia: Oh nothing

Anastasia then whispers some words.

Anastasia: Ingrediamur mundum huius libri

Suzushina: What did you say kid-

A portal then opens on the book and a whirl wind sucks all of them in and they hear a thunderous sound and they start falling from the sky.

Accelerator: WHAT THE HELL KID?!?!

Suzushina: AHHHH WHAT THE FUCK?!!?


Anastasia then starts glowing and a rainbow-like color start twirling around her as she felt like she was absorbing something.

Anastasia: Quirks huh?

Anastasia then creates a rainbow under them, and she starts hopping on air while Accelerator and Suzushina created tornado wings.

Civilian: Look at that kid!!

Civilian 2: Do you think she is ok?

Anastasia then hops unto the ground and waits for Accelerator and Suzushina and when they got down, they gave her a stern scolding.

Accelerator: Don't do that ever again!!

Anastasia: Yes papa

And she starts tearing up.

Accelerator: Tch

Accelerator then picks her up and starts walking away with Suzushina when two police officers approach them.

Police 1: Hey stop right there you are using you're quirk in public which is against the law to do so!!

Police 2: So, stop moving and hand yourselves over

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