1 - Homeless

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Waving to her friend, Batsy, Sapphire would exit his home. After helping her friend with a loss within his family, she would leave feeling satisfied. Stepping outside and looking up into the sky, the heroine would take in a deep breath. Exhaling pretty soon after, a quick smile would grow on her face.

"Here we go!" She murmured to herself.

Stepping forward onto the pathway, Sapphire nodded her head. She felt good, happy, and free. But there wasn't any time for dilly-dallying. Strutting down the sidewalk, the woman began to peer around. Studying her surroundings, her eyes would land on a tree. It was surrounded by a cage, to protect it from harm. It had few to no leaves, but still, it had a bird sitting upon it. Smiling at the creature, Sapphire would tilt her head. The bird sang its beautiful song as if it was singing to the alien herself before stopping and flying away. Leaving the heroine alone, she'd sigh and continue her walk. 

She was out finding a job and a place to live. Sapphire had to leave her friend, Sky's, home due to his family's mental health worsening due to Ben's disappearance. Sapphire understood to the fullest, happy to give the family the space they needed. But the last person she could have turned to, also now is going through a family-altering event with losing his child. So the alien was stuck. Where the hell did she go? She had no plan, whatsoever!

Peering around the area, the heroine shrugged her shoulders before waddling off towards the nearby park. If she couldn't find a place to stay tonight, maybe somewhere there would be available. Stopping outside the gated entrance, a small smile would grow on the woman's face. Nodding to herself, she'd enter before instantly falling in love with the scenery. The flowers, the bugs, the wildlife. Everything caused Sapphire to gaze over and smile.

She was much more used to a rocky terrain, her home planet Titol was known for its wide variety of mountains. Their wildlife too was different. With llamas and frogs which adapted to the area, her planet was truly a spectacle.

Making her way deeper into the park, something would suddenly catch the heroine's attention. A horrific scream! Spinning around to find the location of the yell, Sapphire's eyes would land on something in the distance. As her eyes settled, Sapphire noticed two black and white dressed thugs harassing two middle-aged women. Raising an eyebrow, the hero decided to make her way over. As she slowly got closer to the commotion, Sapphire began to listen in.

"Leave us alone!" A lady with long ginger hair cried, wiping a tear away from her eye.

With a shove, one of the thugs forced the weeping woman to the ground. Hitting the concrete path with a thud, the other lady would suddenly delve towards them. Holding the pushed woman's side, the second thug would hold out a black and white chequered bat.

"Fucking fags..." The attacker groaned.

With that, Sapphire made herself known. Stepping out from behind a tree, the female would stamp her left foot onto the ground. Catching the attention of the four before her, they'd turn their gazes over to her. The man with the bat tilted his head in confusion, taking a step towards Sapphire.

"Who the hell are you?" He yelled, squinting his eyes.

As Sapphire studied the man and his friend, she began to spot the similarity in their clothing. With black and white chequered patterns, protective padding, a skull logo and a helmet, they seemed to be something bad. Squinting her eyes, Sapphire crossed her arms.

"None of your business." She sassed. "I could ask you the same goddamn question!"

"We're The Skull-Cheqs, bitch!" The second thug stepped forward.

"Never heard of you..." The heroine chuckled. "What are you, some kind of circus group?"

The joke seemed to annoy the goons, causing them to grip their fists. Shaking their heads, the man with the bat held his weapon firmly towards Sapphire.

"Get the fuck out of here!" He demanded. "Or we'll hurt you along with these fags here..."

Sapphire would scoff at him. Biting back her anger, she'd raise her right hand. With a flick of her wrist, the villain would be sent flying into the air. His bat would hit the ground first, before the thug's face would follow, smacking into the weapon. Causing a tooth of his to dislodge, the downed grunt would gasp in pain.

"You bitch!" The weaponless man yelled. "What the fuck are you!?"

"Someone who hates the word, 'fag'!" Sapphire yelled.

Raising both of her hands this time, a large rock would shoot up out of the ground from under the attacker. Smashing into him instantly, he'd be too launched up into the air. A few seconds would pass by before the thug hit the ground, getting knocked out in the process.

With a large smirk on the heroine's face, her head would turn to the lesbian couple. Quickly hurrying over, she and the standing lady helped the ginger-haired girl to her feet. With her smirk turning into a soft smile, Sapphire bowed slightly to the ladies.

"Thank you..." One spoke, still shaking from fear.

"How can we ever repay you?" The ginger one added, hugging their partner in the process.

"You don't need to!" Sapphire chuckled. "Just be kind to others!"

Nodding to the alien, they'd turn and hurry off. With that, Sapphire too hustled off. The sun began to set as the sky began to flood with a peach-like colour. Sapphire's eyes couldn't look away from the beauty, she was in love. Sapphire loves nature. She could love Earth.

After a few minutes, the woman came upon a river. With weeds lining the edge and a dozen ducks waddling about, Sapphire continued her site seeing. As one duck quacked, the lady would gasp, chuckling instantly afterwards. Sapphire decided to follow the river, casually walking beside it as she looked for any solitary location for a temporary home. 

After ten minutes of strolling beside the river, Sapphire came across a wooded area. With plants and weeds mostly taking up the place, it was obvious people did venture this far much. After a few more steps, the woman's eyes landed on a secluded area. With berry bushes and rocks covering the section she was facing, Sapphire knew this was her best bet. Checking her surroundings to make sure she was alone, she'd then begin work.

Lifting her hands into the air, different rocks and boulders began to grow from the ground. Merging together and forming what seemed to be walls, within seconds Sapphire created a small cave. With stones forming some kind of door, Sapphire smiled. Feeling content with her creation, she'd walk inside. The cold quickly began to hit the alien, making her remember the cold temperatures that this area of the planet was known for. Sighing, her eyes looked down to a bed, too made of rocks.

"Night one alone..." She mumbled, shrugging before laying down.

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